Zudash Dejarin

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Zudash Dejarin
Zudash Dejarin.jpg
Affiliation Kournans
Type Human
Level(s) 10
Campaign Nightfall

Zudash Dejarin is the father of Koss and Ailonseh Dejarin. He owned the Dejarin Estate before Varesh seized control of it.



Quests given:

Quests involved in:


Before completing Estate Planning1
"Bah! I have no estate! I have no son! And now I worry about my daughter! And it's all because of those infernal Sunspears!"
After completing Estate Planning
"Ah! It's good to see you Sunspears again. How is my son?"

1 Actually before completing the objectives of Estate Planning, Tendering an Offer, and The Young Lady Vanishes.