ArenaNet talk:Skill feedback/Elementalist/Glyph of Lesser Energy

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Info-Logo.png Note: As of September 2, 2009 this page is no longer active. If you have suggestions for Guild Wars skills please go to Feedback:Main to learn how to submit suggestions that ArenaNet can use.

Archive 1

Up to 15 energy, not 15 energy every time. And there are other non-elite ways without investment that save just as many energy. They're just not as universal as GoLE. 08:16, 23 October 2008 (UTC)

And don't forget that while this is free in terms of attributes, it DOES cost you a secondary (since there are few worthwile Ele skills for secondaries besides this).

New suggestion

It's ok. Elementalists need higher energy gain, because their spell costs are generally higher too. Also, they have no other way to save energy, no passive energy management and no 0 cost skills. Mesmers do. And don't forget that this skill has a variable energy management. It's not hard to make get the full 30, but it's not gurantueed. 22:00, 14 December 2008 (UTC)

The suggestion would be a buff for primary elementalists with 8 or more Energy Storage. -- User Gordon Ecker sig.png Gordon Ecker (talk) 01:29, 15 December 2008 (UTC)
That's the original purpose of this suggestion. Buff it for people who actually bother to attribute invest up to rank 8-10(what most people run) and nerf it for everything else. Right now, it saves almost 1 energy every 2 seconds with no attribute investment.