Feedback:User/B Pendragon/Options while suffering conditions

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I would like to suggest a new approach or a reworking of the conditions in Guild Wars 2. For example, as it is in Guild Wars, when you are blind you can clearly see everything around you and can move and position yourself accordingly, you can even block, dodge and cast non-projectile spells unhindered. The effect is you have 90% chance to miss with melee and projectile attacks, and your projectile spells have a greater chance to stray from target. I find this to be highly unrealistic.

In Guild Wars 2 the functionality of blind has been changed to “Causes the target's next attack to miss”. I feel this takes even more away from the feeling of being blinded, and again is unrealistic as to how you would react if you were blinded in a fight.

Take a second to think what you would do in a fight if you were blinded. You most definitely wouldn't continue to fight in a normal manner, you wouldn't be able to position yourself strategically, or run about freely, I also challenge that your chance to miss wouldn't be as high as 90% (especially on a trained fighter), let alone 100%.

Hence I suggest a complete new look at conditions. Keep in mind I am not worrying so much about balancing when writing this, but how a player could truly feel and experience the condition they are suffering from. If someone else actually likes this idea balancing could be worked on then.

That said, when suffering from a condition I suggest, where appropriate, a player receive an additional condition skill bar, along with a change in graphics and audio effects respectively.

Here are some specific suggestions and or examples of how this might work.

Bleeding — As with Guild Wars While suffering from this injury, you lose Health over time. With Guild Wars 2 this will stack up to 9 times, which I think is great and is 100% realistic.

A graphics suggestion here, and this might be a bit over the top but, some blood trickling down the screen (the more times bleeding is applied the more you see). I think this is a good alternate way to show easily you are bleeding.

For the bleeding condition skill bar we need to think what can you do while you are bleeding. Here’s what I suggest:

“Squirt blood”, sacrifice 5% of your health, blinds adjacent targeted enemy for one second.

“Mend cut”, you take double damage while performing this action, when this action is complete one stacked “bleeding” is removed, 25% chance of failure when taking damage.

Blind — Needs to be completely reworked. As with Guild Wars it would be time limited (not limited to the next hit as suggested with Guild Wars 2).While suffering from blind you cannot block or dodge, all your skills that target a player are disabled, all other skills take twice as long to activate and cost twice as much energy. Ever second while running under the effects of “blind” you have 20% chance to trip (same as a knock down). There would also be a graphics change and a Blind condition skill bar added as stated below.

The suggestion for graphics here is that the players screen be grayed out. For example, all the colors in the screen turn to grey and fade together so the player has a difficult time distinguishing the landscape as well as other players or creatures (auto targeting should be disabled here). This would obviously create the feeling of actually being blinded. However the red and yellow number damage indicators will still display on the screen as when you are blind you most certainly know when you are being hit, and if you attack you know when you connect.

The blind condition skill bar has many options. Here are some suggestions:

“Duck and cover”, the player curls into a ball and shields himself (different animations for different professions of course), while covered up the player has 75% damage reduction.

“Wild Swing” (for soldier professions), the play has 50% chance to strike all adjacent foes for triple damage; the player takes triple damage while activating this skill.

“leg sweep” (for adventurer professions), perform a circular leg sweep, all adjacent characters are knocked down; the player takes triple damage while activating this skill.

“Radiate energy” (for scholar professions), from the player an energy wave radiates out pushing back all adjacent players, 10% chance of knock down; the player takes triple damage while activating this skill.

“Freak out”, the player thrashes about knocking down himself with a 50% chance to knock down all adjacent characters.

Burning— The functionality would remain as it is. The graphics and added skill bar would be similar to that of the bleeding condition, but there would also be an audio effect. Here’s what I suggest:

For the graphics either the player is obviously physically set on fire, alternatively the tips of subtle flames are seen at the bottom of the screen, or even just a red glow at the bottom of the screen.

For the audio a player would hear the roar of the flames engulfing them.

For the Burning condition skill bar I suggest two skills:

“Flick fire”, all adjacent players (hostile and friendly) are set on fire for 1 second if they are not attuned to fire.

“Drop and roll”, you drop and roll, while you are rolling you cannot activate skills, but the remaining duration of burning is halved.

Chilled — “Target moves approximately one third of their speed and is unable to dodge. Skills already recharging take additional time to recharge”. This sounds realistic enough. Here’s what else I suggest:

For the graphics frost could appear around the edges of the screen, or the screen could glow a faint blue.

For the chilled condition skill bar I will only suggest 1 skill:

“Frozen touch”, touch adjacent targeted enemy, that enemy is chilled for 1 second.

Crippled — “Target moves slower and is unable to dodge”. No suggestions here.

Fear — “Causes the target to run directly away from the caster”. The graphics I saw for fear looked great. I only have one suggestion for the Fear condition skill bar, that being:

“Runaway”, you move twice as fast, the duration of fear is doubled.

Immobilized — “Target movement is hindered and is unable to dodge”. My idea of being immobilized is you can’t move at all. As such you shouldn’t be able activate any skills, block, dodge or move in any way at all. I would suggest the most effective way to simulate this conditions activation on a player would be through the audio of armor clunking to a halt.

Poison — “Target loses health over a constant amount over time. Stackable”. It would possible do a lot more with this a there are so many different types of poison. Only health degeneration is a bit boring, but I will run with that now. Here are the suggestions I add for this condition:

For the graphics, I think poison being associated with the color green is predictable and cliché. I would suggest that when poisoned beads of sweat build up on the screen, the more poisoned conditions that are stacked the thicker the beads of sweat. It would be great to get into hallucinations and double vision, but I would suggest that be done on different poison type.

For the Poison condition skill bar I will only suggest two skills that are a chain. They are:

“Suck poison”, you suck the poison from your wound. This skill removes one stacked poison condition. While this kill is active you take double damage. It has 50% chance failure.

“Spit poison”, If you successfully sucked the poison, this skill becomes active. You spit poison at target enemy. If it hits the foe they are poisoned for 3 seconds.

Vulnerability — “Causes the target to take more damage”. I would take this even further adding “blocking and dodging has a 50% failure rate”. As in a fight when you are vulnerable you are easy to hit. I have no further suggestion here.

Weakness — “Reduces damage dealt by 20%”. I have one audio suggestion here and one skill suggestion.

While suffering from weakness I think it would be a nice audio effect to hear the character panting. It is an easy and affective way to realize you are suffering from this condition.

For the weakness condition skill bar, I suggest the following skill:

“Sum of strength”, you strike for full and triple damage. Your skills are disabled and you cannot attack for 5 seconds.

So that is my suggestions and examples for the conditions that currently exist in Guild Wars 2. I would like now to suggest one extra condition that seems to always be overlooked, “Deaf”. This could be caused by many things ranging from spells, to shouts or even environmental effects. Here is my suggestion:

Deaf — “while suffering from deaf the player is no longer affected by shouts. If a target is called by any ally while you are suffering from deaf you will not be notified”

There will be no graphics effect or condition skill bar for this, but rather the dramatic audio effect of only hearing the sound you hear when you put a sea shell to your ear.

This is my suggestion for the re working of the conditions to make them feel more realistic for Guild Wars2. I would be greatful to hear any feed back be it positive or negative. And if you did like my idea please help build on it and really make it into something.

--B Pendragon 05:17, 18 November 2011 (UTC)