Feedback talk:User/B Pendragon/Options while suffering conditions

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I bump this idea. Aeranima 10:42, 18 November 2011 (UTC)

It seems like you're semi-dependent on chance-effect. Too many chance-effects can truly be full of shat, and aggravate players. I like the current GW2 Blind effect because its limited and not overpowered (may i mention that re-applying certain conditions will add onto the timer, thus limiting the blind's effect to one hit, regardless of how many times blind was applied to that target). Random effects are usually cheap, imo. --Eclipse143 00:21, 19 November 2011 (UTC)

Good suggestion overall, well thought out, and nicely formatted. I definitely agree more should be done with graphics and audio to indicate what condition a player is suffering from. However, I'm not entirely sold on the concept that - once affected by a condition - a player can then use it to their advantage with new skills. The point of being under the effect of a condition is that you are being hurt/penalized by an opponent who got the better of you by applying the condition in the first place. To then turn that around by permitting the affected player to use the condition as a new form of attack runs counter to that concept.
That said, I do like many of the graphics and audio suggestions, some of the skill suggestions, and some of the counters to the conditions.
Bleeding - If you're bleeding profusely in real life, you're likely going to start getting light-headed. To represent this visually in the game a wavy effect could be added to the screen similar to how the screen looks when drunk in GW1. Also, you're likely going to have difficulty focusing as you become increasingly light-headed. This could be represented by making the game world become a little blurry.
I like the effect in Battlefield 2 where - when shot - the screen edges would become blood splattered and the screen would turn a shade of red, blurring out the game world. The more times you get shot, the deeper the red becomes until it's difficult to focus effectively. Something like that is what I have in mind for the bleeding condition.
I don't care for the "Squirt Blood" attack for the reason I mentioned above; if you're suffering from a condition, I don't feel it's appropriate to turn that condition into an attack skill. However, I do like the "Mend Cut" skill. Could make it a charge skill; you have to hold down the key assigned to that skill for X number of seconds to complete the "Mend Cut". During that time you're vulnerable to double damage per your original description with a chance of failure if taking damage during the charge time.

Blind - In agreement with the general effects (no block or dodge, targeting skills disabled, 20% of tripping each second while running). With the elimination of energy for skills, doubling of energy costs for skills now no longer applies. I don't care for the doubling of skill activation times, though; that seems more appropriate for daze or stun.
I like the suggestion of greying out the screen to simulate blindness.
"Duck and cover" I think has too much of a damage reduction if set to 75%; maybe 25% or 33% damage reduction.
"Wild Swing". Too overpowered if tripling damage to all adjacent foes. It's a wild swing, afterall; not a precision attack. If it connnects, it's largely going to be a glancing blow anyway. If kept, I'd like to see it hit all adjacent targets; both friend and foe (if you're blind, you're not going to be able to tell who's who).
"Leg Sweep". Same as above; effects all adjacent targets (both friend and foe).
"Radiate Energy". Overpowered defense. I'd prefer to see it changed to any spell-like skill that is activated has an AoE effect to adjacent targets; even if in a non-blind state that skill would normally be a projectile or otherwise target a specific foe or area. Being blind, the magic that powers that skill now coalesces into a ball around the caster rather than the caster being able to direct its flow in a specific direction.

Burning - For graphics, set the screen on fire. The player can still see the game world through the flames, but it would be more difficult to make out details.
Roar of flames for the audio is good.
"Flick Fire". Rather than an automatic set all adjacent friends and foes on fire, make it only those you bump into.
"Drop and Roll". Like it; no change.

Chilled - Faint blue glow to the screen is good for graphics. I like the frost idea around the edges of the screen. In one of the game videos, a party is fighting what looks like some kind of Snow Wurm. When it roars, the screen is blasted with flecks of frost. Something like that would look good.

Immobilized - I like the audio suggestion. I don't have experience with audio production, so I don't know the technical term. But I think it would be a nice touch to have the audio of the armor clunking to a halt slow down/downsample/WHIIiiiirrr down to nothing. The audio itself is slowing down in other words.

Poison - Green is cliché, but it has become associated with poison in games and is easily recongnizable to most players as indicating poison. For that reason, I think green should be kept. Maybe green glow the screen edges or add green-tinged beads of sweat dripping down the screen edges while doubling vision at the same time. Perhaps add a motion blur to the world when the player moves. For example, if they turn right everything in the world motion-blurs left. The effect would be everything would have a blurred, double-vision trail behind it in the opposite direction of motion.
"Suck Poison". Fine with this one similar to the "Mend Cut" under Bleeding.
"Spit Poison". Don't care for this as it again turns a condition into an attack skill.

Weakness - Don't care for "Sum of Strength". It's exactly opposite of being Weakened in the first place. Yes, skills are disabled afterwards as the penalty; but it still runs counter to the effect of the original condition.
The only thing I can think of that would be appropriate for this condition (and I admit it is a "weak" suggestion) is:
"Faint". Stance. Player passes out, becoming immobilized for X seconds. Next attack against player under the effect of this stance fails. (Alternately, damage from next attack against this player is reduced XX %).
The inspiration for this skill is how you hear about terrible traffic accidents where the drunk driver miraculously survives with barely a scratch. It's because they pass out at the wheel while driving, go completely limp like a rag doll, and roll with the impact instead of tensing up like a sober person would do who then takes the full force of impact. In a similar vein, the Weakened player faints as the next attack impacts them. They faint, go limp, and simply roll with the impact of the attack, reducing or eliminating its damage. The penalty for using the skill to eliminate or reduce the damage is the player is now immobilized for a few seconds while recovering from fainting.

Deaf - I like this suggestion. Also, if directional sound is added to the game as a strategic element (for example, you can hear a twig snapping as an enemy sneaks up on you), those sounds cues will also be disabled while under the effects of this condition. Guild Wars 3 perhaps 21:28, 24 November 2011 (UTC)