Feedback:User/Miteshu/Finishing moves

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During Boss fights or PvPing, there should be a finishing move to finish off your enemy. For Swords, you stab the enemy at the heart. for Axes, you slash his neck. For Bows, you shoot arrows at his neck. For Staff, you shock the enemy or steal their life force.

The difference, you see it zoomed up and have the camera changed to make the finishing move epic. For example, the profession introduction videos.

For PvE bosses(Smaller ones at least), you have to type certain letters. If you mistype, the boss will regenerate half of his health and you have to fight the boss again.

For PvP, both players type certain letters. But if the downed person wins the match, he regenerates his entire down button and becomes invulnerable to any finishing moves. or everyone can leave that person to his death.

Play God of War series if you want to know what I mean.