Feedback talk:User/Miteshu/Finishing moves

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Quick Time Events in an MMORPG? Its not even feasable. Would be kinda cool if it was in there but id get pissed off pretty quick with it --Jimmer123 19:37, 7 September 2010 (UTC)

QTEs are the bane of modern gaming. They take the main element of the game (the gameplay) and completely subvert it for a "can-you-hit-the-button-fast-enough" cinematic. Seriously, the developers of God of War and really any other game developers that do this should be paraded down the street with little signs over their heads that display random names (i.e. Roger!, Jane!, Ted!, etc.), so we can cue who gets to kick them in the balls next.
It's as if they've realized that they're not creative enough to actually make a boss fight end in an interesting way, so they subject us to their idiocy. The conversation must have been like this:
"Dev 1 - "I give up. I just can't think of a way to make this boss fight end. You got anything?""
"Dev 2 - "Well, we could make it a cinematic, right?""
"Dev 1 - "Yeah, we could....but it's a game, so don't people want to mash buttons?""
"Dev 2 - "Then let's make a movie that FORCES YOU TO MASH BUTTONS WHILE WATCHING!""
"Dev 1 - "Great idea! That way, they won't get to actually watch the movie and they'll feel involved!""
"Dev 1" & "Dev 2" - "High Five!"
Seriously, QTEs were as intelligent an invention as creating interactive movies. It doesn't work, it ruins the flow, and in the end some retard ends up ruining it for everyone. Karate User Karate Jesus KJ for sig.png Jesus 19:57, 7 September 2010 (UTC)
although qte's are a bad idea a finishing move could be good. not an actual skill, but a different angle of the camera and maybe slow-mo when you kill a minor boss (slo-mo prolly wouldnt work in pvp though)--Crazy guy 12:49, 19 September 2010 (UTC)

Crazy guy, like what Dragon Age has when you kill an orge or something big like that? cause yet again that wouldn't work considering either A) the one who kills the monster starts moving really slow compared to the guy two feet to his right, which might be funny to see. Or B) everyone in the area or zone will all of a sudden have to start moving very slowly and that might be very confusing and annoying. I mean what if there is an event and one person doesn't get involved instead starts doing other things in the zone. Then when someone kills a boss in the zone he might also slow down and become annoyed at this and log off the game for a bit.--Leaderfreak 17:58, 19 September 2010 (UTC)