Feedback talk:User/Shayne Hawke/Turn Festival Hats into Usable Armor
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im sorry but my Ice Crown and Zombie Face Paint disagrees with your Dragon mask, ^_^ --BobbyT 23:05, 29 September 2009 (UTC)
- i agree with this idea but anet wants masks to be exclusive part of the game and thus wont ever add this because they don't want to let people get the old masks.-
Zesbeer 06:29, 6 October 2009 (UTC)
- Firt of all, both dragon masks and the lion mask are uglier that kicking a newborn child on the face with a tipped sole football shoe. Now the Grasping Mask, that's a beautiful piece of art.
- Second, Zesber, read carefully, it doesn't say anything about getting older masks. This suggestion is about adding a 'reinforcement' option to turn the merely decorative festival masks into maxed working armor with the stats of the profession of the character it is customized for.
- Finally, I fully agree with the suggestion. There are many possible combinations that could be used. Some could look silly, but many of them would look great.
- There are already lots of both common and normal headgear pieces that look much uglier than the silliest mask:
- The bandana? Let's face it. It makes players look like patients in the chemotherapy ward. My sister looked like that when she had breast cancer, and it wasn't cool at all.
- The Crown? Who shaves his head to wear a crown? But since the crown replaces the hair, everyone looks like that.
- Highlander Woad? "Mummy, look! I painted myself a beard, hee hee hee hee hee" <- Peter Griffin silly laugh.
- And don't get me started with those pagoda-like things that Obsidian Ritualist armor has as turbans.
- But there are combinations with festival masks that would look great:
- The Grasping mask with any 'stony' armor, like the Warrior Primeval.
- The mummy mask with armors that have stripes, like some ancient armors or the assassin exotic armor.
- The zombie makeup with many necromancer or ancient armors.
- The Ice Crown with the Hydromancer armor...
- And so on.
- It's a shame having all those models and using them only during festivals. Mith
Talk 13:49, 6 October 2009 (UTC)
The author of this suggestion should mark it as completed. Costume slots take place of this. Feedback_talk:Rules#Closing_Filled_Suggestions --Emkyooess 00:41, 18 December 2009 (UTC)