Guild Wars Wiki:Index/U-Z
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Direct redirects (U-Z)[edit]
These entries each refer to one specific thing within the context of Guild Wars.
- UA → Unyielding Aura
- UG → Unsteady Ground
- UI → User interface
- UW → The Underworld
- UWSC → Speed clear
- Ub → Ursan Blessing
- Underworld Pillar → Decade Staff "Underworld Pillar"
- Undying Service → Decade Rod "Undying Service"
- Unveil → Anniversary Staff "Unveil"
- Upgrade → Upgrade component
- Upgrades → Upgrade component
- Ursan → Ursan Blessing
- Uw chest → Underworld Chest
- Uwg → Unwanted Guests
- Uwsc → Speed clear
- VDS → Vampiric Dragon Sword
- VIM → "Victory Is Mine!"
- VOD → "Victory or Death!"
- VOR → Visions of Regret
- VWK → Vengeful Was Khanhei
- VWS → Vocal Was Sogolon
- Vanguard Mesmer → Gwen
- Vanguard Paragon → Keiran Thackeray
- Vanguard rep → Ebon Vanguard rank
- Vellum → Roll of Vellum
- Vent → Voice chat
- Verdict → Anniversary Hammer "Verdict"
- ViM → "Victory Is Mine!"
- Vicious → Vicious Attack
- VoD → "Victory or Death!"
- VoD strategy → "Victory or Death!" strategy
- Vod → "Victory or Death!"
- Vop → Vow of Piety
- Vq → Vanquisher
- VwK → Vengeful Was Khanhei
- VwS → Vocal Was Sogolon
- W → Warrior
- WAH → Ward Against Harm
- WC → Wastrel's Collapse
- WD → Wastrel's Demise
- WE → Warrior's Endurance
- WK → Weaken Knees
- WN,WN → Waste Not, Want Not
- WOP → Well of Power
- WPE → World Preview Event
- WSR → "We Shall Return!"
- WT → Water Trident
- WTB → Trade
- WTF → Weapons of Three Forges
- WTS → Trade
- WTT → Trade
- WY → "Watch Yourself!"
- Wa → Weekly activities
- Wanted → Wanted by the Shining Blade
- War → Warrior
- Ward → Ward spell
- Ward Stab → Ward of Stability
- Ward vs harm → Ward Against Harm
- Wardstab → Ward of Stability
- Warmonger's → Warmonger's Weapon
- Warr → Warrior
- Warrs → Warrior
- Way of the empty palm → Way of the Empty Palm
- Whisper → Anniversary Shortbow "Whisper"
- WiK → War in Kryta
- Wik → War in Kryta
- Wintersday Frog → The Frog (Wintersday)
- WoA → Weapon of Aggression
- WoB → WOB
- WoC → Winds of Change
- WoC/Walkthrough → Winds of Change/Walkthrough
- WoD → Wail of Doom
- WoH → Word of Healing
- WoP → Well of Power
- WoR → WOR
- WoTF → Weapons of Three Forges
- WoW → Weapon of Warding
- Wof → Weapon of Fury
- Wood → Wood Plank
- Woq → Weapon of Quickening
- Woshadow → Weapon of Shadow
- WotEP → Way of the Empty Palm
- Wotep → Way of the Empty Palm
- Wotf → Weapons of Three Forges
- Wow → Weapon of Warding
- Wsb → Wanted by the Shining Blade
- Wsr → "We Shall Return!"
- Wtb → Trade
- Wts → Trade
- Wtt → Trade
- XP → Experience
- XR → Xinrae's Revenge
- XW → Xinrae's Weapon
- Xinrae's → Xinrae's Weapon
- Xinraes → Xinrae's Weapon
- Xiriss → Xiriss Stickleback
- Xuekao → Xuekao, the Deceptive
- YAA → "You're All Alone!"
- YAA! → "You're All Alone!"
- YMLAD → "You Move Like a Dwarf!"
- Yaks → Yak's Bend
- Yakslapper → The Yakslapper
- Ymlad → "You Move Like a Dwarf!"
- Z key → Zaishen Key
- Z-k → Zaishen Key
- Z-key → Zaishen Key
- ZC → Zaishen Combat
- ZCQ → Zaishen Challenge Quest
- ZMG → Zaishen Menagerie Grounds
- Zaishen Quest → Zaishen Challenge Quest
- Zbounty → Zaishen Bounty
- Zcoin → Zaishen Coin
- Zcoins → Zaishen Coin
- Zcombat → Zaishen Combat
- Zest → Zaishen Challenge Quest
- Zests → Zaishen Challenge Quest
- Zf → Zealot's Fire
- Zhed tonic → Everlasting Zhed Shadowhoof Tonic
- Zilver → Silver Zaishen Coin
- Zission → Zaishen Mission
- Zissions → Zaishen Mission
- Zkey → Zaishen Key
- Zkeys → Zaishen Key
- Zm cycle → Zaishen Mission/cycles
- Zmission → Zaishen Mission
- Zoin → Zaishen Coin
- Zoins → Zaishen Coin
- Zold → Gold Zaishen Coin
- Zoo → Zaishen Menagerie Grounds
- Zopper → Copper Zaishen Coin
- Zounty → Zaishen Bounty
- Zpredict → Daily activities
- Zpvp → Zaishen Combat
- Zq → Zaishen Challenge Quest
- Zrank → Zaishen rank
- Zvanquish → Zaishen Vanquish
- Zvq → Zaishen Vanquish