Talk:Cyndr the Mountain Heart

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Slight abuse[edit]

This is like really late, but I guess people might still be having trouble with this guy? A guildy was just complaining about him, so. Im not sure if they fixed it (but from the notes on the page it doesnt look like they did.) There is a very easy way to effectively cheese this boss. Take 3 necro heroes with any build as long as they have 1. high blood magic 2. Unholy Feast 3. (optional, but useful) Blood ritual. When you get to his room, run right at him, and flag your heroes ontop of him. You will most likely all die, indeed you want to. When you respawn your heroes will run to the flag. You however remain on the rez shrine. Wait a little bit to give them time to reach the flag. Then open your necro heroes skill bars, and start to micro it such that they keep using Unholy Feast. Because you are so far away Cyndr is unable to attack your heroes, but they can damage him via Unholy Feast, as it bypasses his armor thing + doesnt require a target. Just keep making them use it for a while and he'll go down with no trouble at all. 22:21, 22 January 2012 (UTC)

Works like a charm, thanks a lot! --The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) at 23:45, 19 February 2012 (UTC).
I've just tried this and it doesn't work. Cyndr attacks the heroes as normal and they die quickly.
This is yet another GW1 mission where you're expected to die at least once or twice before you find the 'magic combination' of skills that works. Maybe some people find this mechanic fun, but I find it an annoying way to design a game.. and ArenaNet largely abandoned the idea in GW2. I'll try some sort of super DPS ultra build and see if it works.
Overall, my experience with GW1 is that ANet didn't intend for solo primary warriors to use henchmen or heroes on the harder parts of the game - warriors are great at taking melee damage and interrupting, but they severely lack in elemental defense, which is what most enemies in this game use. I suspect ultimately I'll need to find someone(s) who wants to take out Cyndr for their 2309432984890th time.. with at least 2, and definitely with 3+ people ferrying barrels, this should be very easy to do (people will actually stay out of lava and dodge giant fireballs too!). 21:53, 1 June 2013 (UTC)
Okay. I did this with one touch ranger hero (Pyro Flameshot? is that his name?) and all the healers I could get with Prophecies + Eye of the North (I don't have Nightfall). It was indeed quite easy, though I had to try twice (had the positioning wrong the first time). I can see how with 2 or 3 touch rangers, anyone could beat Cyndr easily. I have no idea if one person can feasibly beat Cyndr without this gimmick-type build, but I'm thinking that if you couldn't, ANet would have changed Cyndr long long ago, since it seems very difficult to me.. Enjoy. 01:00, 4 June 2013 (UTC)

Disheartened and confused[edit]

I entered with a perfectly balanced, non-gimmick, 7-hero team and tried my hardest to run kegs to Cyndr so my heroes could damage him, only to have to leave because I knew there was no way we'd beat him. This was a very poorly designed boss, and not for any good reason (you only complete the quest once per character, so he can't be farmed). Magmus is solo-able AND farmable. Conversely, it's far easier to destroy the ultimate EotN boss with one overpowered skill, which happens to be completely useless here since Cyndr is stunned and therefore doesn't use any skills while his carapace is down. Very disappointed here.--Ph03n1x 05:52, 26 January 2012 (UTC)

Cyndr's a joke; i lifesteal/degenerate the boss on regulator ZM bounties. --Falconeye 06:01, 26 January 2012 (UTC)
But see, that's a gimmick. I'm saying balanced teams (not just ones that exploit game mechanics) should be viable against this guy. --Ph03n1x 06:12, 26 January 2012 (UTC)

It is POSSIBLE. I know it's a few months late, but I too had much difficulty taking down Cyndr, as every time I would get his carapace down and deal some damage, my heroes and I would wipe before I could get it down again and Cyndr would regenerate most of his health. Refusing to resort to gimmick builds or arguably exploiting the game(Using a ton of lifesteal) I looked at my builds and figured that the only way I was going to defeat him would be to kill him in one go, after lowering the carapace. So, I loaded up on as much damage as I could(AND Protective Spirit) and decided to try again. Myself, I ran the general PvE dagger spamming build(JS-->FF-->DB with "Save Yourselves!" to keep my party on their feet(Pyroclastic Shot is NOT armor-ignoring).

So anyway, I made it to Cyndr and got the worst possible spawn(other side of the room) and was only able to keg him twice before a complete wipe. But when I finally got the 3rd keg to him and brought his carapace down, we brought him all the way down with his carapace barely 3/4 regenerated. So I guess what this means to say is that it IS possible to kill him with a balanced party, but you must make one centered around DPS(yes balanced parties can have a central focus as well) or a ton of prot.Winning Was Sheen 17:20, 17 August 2012 (UTC)

I pretty much worked this down to a science[edit]


Life Barrier.jpg
Life Barrier
Life Bond.jpg
Life Bond

Disable these four skills for the duration of the dungeon. Succor is no attribute so it can go on any hero. Cast bonds on yourself, set heroes to 'Avoid Combat' and flag them where they cannot be hit by Cyndr.


Vampiric Bite.jpg
Vampiric Bite
Vampiric Touch.jpg
Vampiric Touch
Barbed Signet.jpg
Barbed Signet
Signet of Infection.jpg
Signet of Infection

Skills 5-8 should be energy management and self-healing. The two signets are just a bonus and not all that necessary. Signet of Infection in particular is a pain to get if you are just trying to complete the campaign.

Use the signets to maintain degen and the vampiric skills to deal damage and heal. Retreat if you are going to die.

Here are two example bars.


Vampiric Bite.jpg
Vampiric Bite
Vampiric Touch.jpg
Vampiric Touch
Barbed Signet.jpg
Barbed Signet
Signet of Infection.jpg
Signet of Infection
Aura of Restoration.jpg
Aura of Restoration
Ether Renewal.jpg
Ether Renewal
Frigid Armor.jpg
Frigid Armor
Burning Speed.jpg
Burning Speed

Use the enchantments and spam Burning Speed when you need energy and extra healing.


Vampiric Bite.jpg
Vampiric Bite
Vampiric Touch.jpg
Vampiric Touch
Barbed Signet.jpg
Barbed Signet
Signet of Infection.jpg
Signet of Infection
Energy Drain.jpg
Energy Drain
Energy Tap.jpg
Energy Tap
Ether Feast.jpg
Ether Feast
Mantra of Flame.jpg
Mantra of Flame

Maintain Mantra of Flame and use the other mesmer skills to regain energy and heal.

If you don't want to tolerate knock downs, take something along that will prevent it, like "I am unstoppable!" or Dwarven Stability (with alcohol). 08:14, 28 May 2014 (UTC)

Your Mesmer build worked like a charm! Cindr was down in less than 30 seconds! Thank you so much!!-- 16:41, 25 September 2020 (UTC)

What I did to FINALLY beat this jerk:[edit]

Me: [16-0-0-14] Air ele with Elle Attune, Glyph/ele power, Light bolt, Shell shock, Shock Arrow, Light touch (not recommended...), Chain Light, Light Strike.||Dunks: [16-0-3-14] Healer Boon, Heal Breeze, Sig of Rej, Sig of Dev, Healing Ribbon, Mend Condi, Remove Hex, Rez|| Tahlkora: [P=16, D=14] Reverse Fortune, Shield/Absorb, Protect Spirit, Shield/Regen, Aegis, Mend Condi, Remove Hex, Rez || Livia: [16-0-14-0] Awaken/Blood, Life Siphon, Vamp Gaze, Reaper's Mark, Vamp Swarm, Unholy Feast, Angorodon's Gaze, Sig/Lost Souls || Koss: Your choice, really...|| Pyre Fierce: [12 Blood, 16 Exp, 3 Wild] Vamp Bite, Vamp Touch, Plague Touch, Throw Dirt, Winter(which I never used; I forgot!), Whirl Defense, Zojun's Haste,, Troll Ung. || Margrid: [12 Blood, 16 Exp, 3 Wild] Vamp Bite & Touch, Plague Touch, Throw Dirt, Whirl Defense, Zojun's Haste, Barbed Sig, Troll Ung.|| Ritualist: [16-5-0-14] Union, Pain, Shadowsong, Displacement, Spiritleech Aura, Shelter, Spirit Charming, Flesh/Flesh.

I dropped the first barrel, and... killed... I died three times total, but my boys and girls had him; they didn't need me at all! -- 21:23, 21 October 2019 (UTC)

Also, they gave one absolute garbage drop; Magmus' Staff:... (vomit!)(REALLY?!?): Energy +15, Chaoas Dmg: 11-22. 1/2 skill recharge = 20%. 1/2 casting time = 10%. Health = 30%.
Not worth the fight to kill that bastard!
My advice? Just move along; It is not worth it. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) at 22:14, 21 October 2019 (UTC).

-- 15:09, 20 March 2020 (UTC)== I tried, and I failed...  :(==

I'm a Warrior, so I am as useless as possible here... I have my two healers ,,,OwAT043AZKuCk4upkwBsiolImAA and Owgj8wQc4Mzk7a9ogEQqItkLGA, but how much healing can they do here?

I have Livia as an extreme blood destroyer, as suggested in the tutorial (OABCQsxzbQF6GaDGuVYmoqC).

I also have three 'Touch Rangers'... (OgQTQ4Ljn5NUD5EaCUjKU4wKBA)... One with Winter,

and a wonderful Rit,(OgQTQ4Ljn5NUD5EaCUjKU4wKBA) as was suggested above.

One step into the theater, and my crew are 75% dead. One second later, we are all dead. Nobody can get to their rightful positions; as we are killed almost instantly... Getting to the barrels is impossible! Even if I got a barrel, I couldn't make it to the boss-man...  :( What am I missing here?!? Anyone?-- 22:16, 18 March 2020 (UTC)

Rather than healers, have you tried protection / damage mitigation? A Soul Twisting hero or even a common protection monk could do wonders. -arnosluismans (talk) 11:09, 19 March 2020 (UTC)
Ah, Cyndr, the survivor killer.
Arno is 100% right, a monk with Protective Spirit or a rit with Shelter+Soul Twisting (or both) is probably the simplest way to reduce damage taken, you need however to micromanage your heroes so that they cast it before engaging the wurm.
Something I don't see mentioned on the page but most of Cyndr's damage actually respects armor, so increasing your armor rating value (AR) drastically with "Save Yourselves!" should change the damage a ton, dividing it by roughly 5,66 and making for instance Pyroclastic Shot go from 256 to 45 on your spellcasters. There are two prerequisite for using that properly though.
1) First you need adrenaline to fuel SY. Double adrenaline from "For Great Justice!" is near mandatory, but you can opt for stuff like Battle Rage. Sword is the best deal here since you can mindlessly spam Dragon Slash (elite) for permanent full adrenaline, with access to both bleeding (sever artery) and deep wound (gash). Spear however, (spear of fury, barbed spear, merciless spear) despite a slower attack speed lets you stay away of Flame Burst range. I suggest Signet of Aggression while under a chant or shout (I am the strongest for instance) to build adrenaline to have SY ready just before engaging the wurm. Or alternatively Inspirational Speech.
2) Second yourself are not protected by SY, which can be a problem as you are attacking to build adrenaline (if using sword you are notably in range of Flame Burst). Warriors still take quite a big chunk of damage from Cyndr's attacks (according to the notes cyndr has 20 Fire Magic, which means flame burst should be a 350 damage without armor bonus). The easiest solution is to have a monk hero cast Protective Spirit on you. Otherwise you need to increase your armor rating value (AR). With 100 AR you still take 250 damage from Flame Burst (same as the ranger heroes without SY btw), and 175 with 120 AR, so even then it's dangerous. With a 16 AR Shield, +20 vs elemental damage insignia, I Am Unstoppable you reach 141 (120 from Flame Burst). Skills like Mantra of Flame, Dolyak Signet or Defy Pain can reduce that even more. Elemental Resistance should work even better than Mantra of Flame but it does not stack with dolyak signet or defy pain (also dolyak signet and defy pain armor bonuses do not stack together).
End of the big block of text about SY, sorry about that.
The page mentions order of the vampire, which can be great for you as warrior. If you have unlocked it, put on a necro hero, and bring an IAS/use some Pumpkin Pie.
The method mentioned above in the talk page with use of flagged heroes spamming unholy feast is interesting, if it's still working.
Also winter does nothing. It just makes you take 350 cold damage instead of 350 fire damage. Still kills you anyway. --Ruine User Ruine Eternelle Ruine Eternelle.jpg Eternelle 15:11, 19 March 2020 (UTC)
Thank you, my friends!
What I did THIS time was... I Kicked one touch ranger and sent in a Blood Necro. What I think made the difference is that I cast Protective Spirit on everyone, changed their stance from Guard to Fight, except the monks, of course. then started. I touched no barrels because they are not necessary, and I just stood there watching his/her health dwindle to nothing. Cynder was dead in less than 20 seconds!
Again, thank you for all your advise!
Congrats :) good job !--Ruine User Ruine Eternelle Ruine Eternelle.jpg Eternelle 16:00, 20 March 2020 (UTC)

Unbeatable with new health regen - even on normal mode[edit]

Since when does Cyndr have 10 pips of health regen when underground? Can get it to 10% health, disappears underground and then regens to 100 in the 20 secs or so it takes to reappear. Unfortunately this is an EoTN main storyline so the whole of EoTN is now unachievable.

Cyndr is frustrating, yes. But with persistent attack and different approach; is capable of being defeated. Tikka LeFem talk (talk) 17:25, 2 June 2024 (UTC)