The Shrine of Maat

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The Shrine of Maat
Section Festival Event Quests
Event Dragon Festival
Given by Imperial Guard Hanso
in Shing Jea Monastery
(Shing Jea Island)
Preceded by The Rampaging Yetis
Followed by A Strange Request
Type Festival quest
Directions to the Shrine of Maat
(Click to enlarge)

Meet Imperial Guard Musashi in Sunqua Vale, and hurry to the Shrine of Maat to save the peasants from the "demon" there.

Quest information[edit]




Start from Shing Jea Monastery and meet Musashi waiting just outside in Sunqua Vale. After speaking to Musashi, head west into the mountains, to the Shrine of Maat. At the shrine, you will find another Lesser Grasp attacking the peasants.

Engage and defeat the grasp, then speak to Brother Sitai nearby to find out what took place when the creature appeared.







Initial dialogue[edit]

Imperial Guard Hanso
"That last reenactment wasn't too bad, but I think we can do better folks. I want more energy and more emotion this time. Okay, you ready, <character name>? *Ahem* I've bad news. We found the ravaged remains of a monk just outside of the village. So little of his body remained it is through the sheer will of the Gods he made it this far. On his person was a letter...a desperate cry for help. "The Shrine of Maat has fallen," it said. Meet Musashi in Sunqua Vale and accompany her on this mission."
Yes Accept: "I can see it name in lights!"
No Decline: "Sorry, I'm destined for greater roles."
Ask Ask: "Travel to Sunqua Vale and meet Imperial Guard Musashi. Proceed to the Shrine of Maat and investigate the matter."

Intermediate dialogue[edit]

Imperial Guard Musashi
"I saw the remains of that Monk. What a grisly sight. We'd better get to the shrine quickly, for I fear the longer we delay the more carnage will result."
Canthan Peasant: "In the name of the gods, run for your lives!"
Canthan Peasant: "It ate them. It ate them whole!"
Canthan Peasant: "Flee you fools, it's coming!"
Brother Sitai: "You saved me from that thing! I pray you are blessed for the rest of your days. Thank you! (Ha! I'm a natural at this stuff! I hear the famous Norgu is holding auditions for a traveling production of "Norgu's Nightfall." Maybe I should audition...)"
Brother Sitai
"It emerged from the darkness and tore apart anyone in its way. It was horrible! A lucky few managed to escape, but the others...I can't escape the hideous images that scar my memory. ( you think I should cry when I say that?)"

Reward dialogue[edit]

Imperial Guard Hanso
"You found another of those nightmarish creatures? And so close to the Monastery? *Gasp* I must inform the emperor. With all the guests for the summer festival here we can't let the situation get out of control. (Okay, that's a wrap folks!)"


  • Imperial Guard Musashi does not need to survive to complete the quest.
