Expertise Slice and Dice[edit]
Attributes and Skills[edit]
| Expertise | 8 + 3 + 1 | Swordsmanship | 12 | Tactics | 10
Dragon Slash | Galrath Slash | Sever Artery | Gash | Standing Slash | Savage Slash | Healing Signet | Lightning Reflexes |
Full set of Survivor Armor, best Vigor Rune and then rest armors Rune of Attunement and Rune of Vitae. A +5 energy sword or 15^50 inscription. Sundering Sword of Swordsmanship or Fortitude.
Use in any order felt necessary, when health low run off and use Lightning Reflexes then use Healing Signet.
- Blindness
- E-Denial
- And basically usual stuff for a Warrior
- Diversion
- Any skill that uses energy or an adrenaline or another self heal.
- For RA, TA etc. take out Galrath Slash for Resurrection Signet.
Expertise Scythe Swinger[edit]
Attributes and Skills[edit]
Ranger | Dervish
| Expertise | 8 + 1 + 3 | Scythe Mastery | 12 | Earth Prayers | 10
Reaper's Sweep | Chilling Victory | Reap Impurities | Aura of Thorns | Conviction | Mystic Regeneration | Mirage Cloak | Blank |
Full set of Survivor Armor, best Vigor Rune and then rest armors Rune of Attunement and Rune of Vitae. 15^50 or +5 energy inscription, Sundering or Zealous Scythe of Scythe Mastery or Fortitude.
Before going into battle put up enchants and Conviction when you attack then start using your other skills in a fashionable order.
- Super bad degen
- Interruption of enchants
- Diversion of anything
- Blocking or Evading skills
- If not in AB use Resurrection Signet for Optional
- If in AB use either Staggering Force or Victorious Sweep
- Taking out Reaper's Sweep and putting in Ebon Dust Aura (needs Ebon Scythe), Vow of Strength or Wounding Strike
Power of Air[edit]
Attributes and Skills[edit]
attributes | Elementalist | Any
| Air Magic | 12 + 3 + 1 | Energy Storage | 12 + 2
Enervating Charge | Lightning Bolt | Lightning Orb | Whirlwind | Blinding Surge | Air Attunement | Aura of Restoration | Glyph of Elemental Power |
A +5 inscription, with an Insightful Staff of Fortitude. Full set of Radiant Armor with best Vigor Rune and either Rune of Attunements or Vitae.
- Any way necessary.
- Interruption
- Degen
- Diversion
- Any other stuff that is a counter for Elementalists.
- Substitute a skill
- For RA, TA etc. change a skill for Resurrection Signet
Power of Earth[edit]
Attributes and Skills[edit]
attributes | Elementalist | Any
| Earth Magic | 12 + 3 + 1 | Energy Storage | 12 + 2
Teinai's Crystals | Glowstone | Dragon's Stomp | Obsidian Flame | Sandstorm | Earth Attunement | Aura of Restoration | Glyph of Elemental Power |
A +5 inscription, with an Insightful Staff of Fortitude. Full set of Radiant Armor with best Vigor Rune and either Rune of Attunements or Vitae.
- Any way necessary.
- Interruption
- Degen
- Diversion
- Any other stuff that is a counter for Elementalists.
- Substitute a skill
- For RA, TA etc. change a skill for Resurrection Signet
Power of Fire[edit]
Attributes and Skills[edit]
attributes | Elementalist | Any
| Fire Magic | 12 + 3 + 1 | Energy Storage | 12 + 2
Teinai's Heat | Searing Heat | Flame Djinn's Haste | Liquid Flame | Savannah Heat | Fire Attunement | Aura of Restoration | Glyph of Elemental Power |
A +5 inscription, with an Insightful Staff of Fortitude. Full set of Radiant Armor with best Vigor Rune and either Rune of Attunements or Vitae.
- Any way necessary.
- Interruption
- Degen
- Diversion
- Any other stuff that is a counter for Elementalists.
- Substitute a skill
- For RA, TA etc. change a skill for Resurrection Signet
Power of Water[edit]
Attributes and Skills[edit]
attributes | Elementalist | Any
| Water Magic | 12 + 3 + 1 | Energy Storage | 12 + 2
Armor of Mist | Ice Spear | Maelstrom | Vapor Blade | Mist Form | Water Attunement | Aura of Restoration | Glyph of Elemental Power |
A +5 inscription, with an Insightful Staff of Fortitude. Full set of Radiant Armor with best Vigor Rune and either Rune of Attunements or Vitae.
- Any way necessary.
- Interruption
- Degen
- Diversion
- Any other stuff that is a counter for Elementalists.
- Substitute a skill
- For RA, TA etc. change a skill for Resurrection Signet
Shock Sword[edit]
Attributes and Skills[edit]
attributes | Warrior | Elementalist
| Swordsmanship | 11 + 1 + 3 | Tactics | 11 + 2 | Strength | 3 + 1 | Air Magic | 8
Sever Artery | Gash | Standing Slash | Silverwing Slash | Quivering Blade | Healing Signet | Shock | Blank |
+5 energy or 15^50 inscription, Sundering or Furious Sword of Swordsmanship or Fortitude. Shield of Fortitude with a "Luck of the Draw" Inscription. Full Survivor armor with best Vigor rune and a Rune of Vitae, Attunement, best Absorption Rune.
Use in order necessary but for Standing Slash use a stance with it. Use Shock to knockdown opponent so you have an easier time hurting him.
- Blindness
- E-Denial
- Degen
- Diversion
- Basically anything else that affects a warrior.
- Change any attack skill for a different attack skill
- Or take out an attack skill and put an extra self heal
- For RA, TA etc. change any attack skill for a Resurrection Signet
Condition Spike Warrior (Variants)[edit]
Attributes and Skills[edit]
attributes | Warrior | Any
| Swordsmanship | 12 + 1 + 3 | Tactics | 10 + 2 | Strength | 8 + 1
Hundred Blades | Sever Artery | Gash | Galrath Slash | Desperation Blow | Drunken Blow | Healing Signet | Resurrection Signet |
+5 energy or 15^50 inscription, Sundering or Furious Sword of Swordsmanship or Fortitude. Shield of Fortitude with a "Luck of the Draw" Inscription. Full Survivor armor with best Vigor rune and a Rune of Vitae, Attunement, best Absorption Rune.
If you want hammer or axe change the swordsmanship to it. Here are skill bars for axe and hammer.
Earth Shaker | Staggering Blow | Fierce Blow | Auspicious Blow | Desperation Blow | Drunken Blow | Healing Signet | Resurrection Signet |
Eviscerate | Disrupting Chop | Executioner's Strike | Lacerating Chop | Desperation Blow | Drunken Blow | Healing Signet | Resurrection Signet |
For AB take out Resurrection Signet and put in a Self Heal or another attack that conditions.
Any order felt necessary but use Desperation Blow and Drunken Blow as much as you can on your enemies.
- Blindness
- E-Denial
- Degen
- Diversion
- Basically anything else that affects a warrior.
Flaming Warrior[edit]
Attributes and Skills[edit]
attributes | Warrior | Elementalist
| Axe Mastery | 12 + 3 + 1 | Tactics | 9 + 1 | Strength | 3 + 1 | Fire Magic | 9
Eviscerate | Executioner's Strike | Agonizing Chop | Penetrating Blow | Disrupting Chop | Healing Signet | Inferno | Flame Burst |
Full set of Radiant armor with best Vigor Rune and Absorption Rune. +5 energy sword with a focus or a shield.
- One order excluding some skills, Eviscerate>Executioner's Strike>Agonizing Chop
- Then just add in every other skill
- Blindness
- E-Denial
- Degen
- Diversion
- Possible interruption of Inferno and Flame Burst
- Basically anything else that affects a warrior.
- Change any attack skill for a different attack skill
- Or take out an attack skill and put an extra self heal
- For RA, TA etc. change any attack skill for a Resurrection Signet
Degen Assassin[edit]
Attributes and Skills[edit]
attributes | Assassin | Any
| Dagger Mastery | 11 + 3 + 1 | Shadow Arts | 10 + 1 | Critical Strikes | 10 + 2
Desperate Strike | Temple Strike | Wild Strike | Twisting Fangs | Exhausting Assault | Shadow Refuge | Death's Charge | Blank |
+5 energy inscription, Sundering Daggers of Fortitude. Full set of Radiant armor with best Vigor Rune and a Rune of Attunement.
- Here is order, Desperate Strike>Temple Strike>Twisting Fangs>Desperate Strike>Wild Strike>Exhausting Assault
- When health is low use Shadow Refuge.
- Diversion
- Interruption
- Degen
- Blind
- And anything else that might kill a Sin
- Switch out Desperate Strike for a different lead attack
- Switch out Wild Strike for a different off hand attack
- For the optional put in Resurrection Signet if you are doing RA, TA etc.
Vish Sin[edit]
Attributes and Skills[edit]
attributes | Dervish | Assassin
| Mysticism | 8 + 3 | Scythe Mastery | 10 + 1 + 3 | Earth Prayers | 9 + 2 | Shadow Arts | 9
Avatar of Balthazar | Chilling Victory | Pious Assault | Reap Impurities | Wearying Strike | Vital Boon | Death's Charge | Feigned Neutrality |
Variant Skill Bar[edit]
Avatar of Dwayna | Chilling Victory | Reap Impurities | Sand Shards | Conviction | Death's Charge | Feigned Neutrality | Blank |
In the optional area you can put in Resurrection Signet or Wearying Strike. It just depends on where your going to use it.
- You might want the highest Vigor Rune and some Rune of Vitae.
- You will also want a Scythe Grip of Fortitude.
- You will need all the health you can get.
- You should also get Sundering.
- It depends on skill bar but for both you have to cast Avatar before going into battle.
- Then you start attacking using your skills.
- When your health starts to drop use Wearying Strike and Reap Impurities.
- If health really starts to drop use Feigned Neutrality and get out of fight.
- Sand Shards are used for Conviction and when people use evading or blocking skills.
- If you want to get right into battle after casting Avatar just use Death's Charge
- Avatar of Balthazar is used for the armor.
- A mob of 8-12 people that target you.
- Degen Mesmers.
- Advantages of build:
- Puts powerful hits on enemies.
- Can kill people in about 30 seconds or more.
Degen Paragon[edit]
Attributes and Skills[edit]
attributes | Paragon | Any
| Leadership | 9 + 2 | Spear Mastery | 10 + 4 | Motivation | 9 + 1 | Command | 8 + 1
Cruel Spear | Blazing Spear | Mighty Throw | Lyric of Zeal | Anthem of Flame | "Fall Back!" | Glowing Signet | Leader's Comfort |
Full set of Radiant Armor and best Vigor Rune. +5 energy inscription, Fiery Spear of Fortitude.
- Any way felt necessary
- Diversion
- Degen
- Interruption
- SS
- Any other thing that kills a paragon
- Switch Cruel Spear for Stunning Strike
- Switch Anthem of Flame for Chorus of Restoration
- Switch "Fall Back!" for "Stand Your Ground!"
- Switch Anthem of Flame for Signet of Return for RA, TA etc.
Degen Paragon[edit]
Attributes and Skills[edit]
attributes | Paragon | Any
| Spear Mastery | 12 + 3 + 1 | Leadership | 9 + 2 | Command | 9 + 1
Blazing Spear | Barbed Spear | Stunning Strike | Merciless Spear | "Go for the Eyes!" | "Find Their Weakness!" | Leader's Comfort | Blank |
Full Set of Radiant Armor with best Vigor Rune and Rune of Vitae +5 Energy inscription, Sundering Spear of Fortitude.
- Any order felt necessary.
- Interruption
- Diversion
- Blind
- Degen
- And any other thing that can kill a paragon or stop a paragon
- If you are doing RA, TA etc. put in Signet of Return
- If not put in another attack skill or self heal
Superior Neutral IW[edit]
Attributes and Skills[edit]
attributes | Mesmer | Assassin
| Illusion Magic | 12 + 3 + 1 | Shadow Arts | 11 | Deadly Arts | 6
Illusionary Weaponry | Deadly Paradox | Death's Charge | Death's Retreat | Dark Escape | Feigned Neutrality | Shadow Refuge | Illusion of Weakness |
+5 energy inscription, Icy, Ebon, Shocking or Fiery Daggers of Fortitude. Full Set of Radiant Armor with best Vigor Rune and Runes of Attunement or Vitae.
- Here is order, Illusionary Weaponry>Illusion of Weakness then cast Deadly Paradox as you are about to go into battle then use Death's Charge to get in fast also with Dark Escape
- Use the other skills to get away and heal.
- Interruption of Illusionary Weaponry or Illusion of Weakness
- Diversion
- Super Bad Degen
- Switch out Death's Retreat for Resurrection Signet for RA, TA etc.
Superior Mystic IW[edit]
Attributes and Skills[edit]
attributes | Mesmer | Dervish
| Illusion Magic | 12 + 3 + 1 | Earth Prayers | 9 | Wind Prayers | 9
Illusionary Weaponry | Staggering Force | Veil of Thorns | Dust Cloak | Featherfoot Grace | Armor of Sanctity | Dwayna's Touch | Illusion of Weakness |
+5 energy inscription, Icy, Ebon, Shocking or Fiery Scythe of Fortitude. Full Set of Radiant Armor with best Vigor Rune and Runes of Attunement or Vitae.
- Here is order, Illusionary Weaponry>Illusion of Weakness then all the enchants except Featherfoot Grace until you attack enemies and use Dwayna's Touch to heal.
- Interruption of Illusionary Weaponry or Illusion of Weakness
- Diversion
- Super Bad Degen
- Take out Featherfoot Grace for Resurrection Signet for RA, TA etc.
Superior Slash IW[edit]
Attributes and Skills[edit]
attributes | Mesmer | Warrior
| Illusion Magic | 12 + 3 + 1 | Tactics | 12 | Fast Casting | 3
Illusionary Weaponry | Bonetti's Defense | Deadly Riposte | Defensive Stance | Riposte | Disciplined Stance | Healing Signet | Illusion of Weakness |
+5 energy inscription, Icy, Ebon, Shocking or Fiery Scythe of Fortitude with a focus or a shield. Full Set of Radiant Armor with best Vigor Rune and Runes of Attunement or Vitae.
- Here is order, Illusionary Weaponry>Illusion of Weakness then when in combat use your stances to block and heal when needed.
- Interruption of Illusionary Weaponry or Illusion of Weakness
- Diversion
- Super Bad Degen
- Take out any stance for Resurrection Signet for RA, TA etc.