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Asuran Warrior[Sword]
"I Meant to Do That!" | Grapple | Drunken Blow | Steady Stance | Thrill of Victory | Riposte | Healing Signet | Blank |
Asuran Warrior[Hammer]
Endure Pain | Disarm | Earth Shaker | Belly Smash | Dolyak Signet | Blank | Blank | Blank |
Asuran Smiter
Balthazar's Spirit | Reversal of Damage | Strength of Honor | Smite Condition | Signet of Judgment | Orison of Healing | Blank | Blank |
Asuran Medic
Jamei's Gaze | Watchful Spirit | Glimmer of Light | Purge Conditions | Blank | Blank | Blank | Blank |
Asuran Windwalker
Mind Shock | Glyph of Swiftness | Lightning Javelin | Shell Shock | Aura of Restoration | Blank | Blank | Blank |
Asuran Binder
Bloodsong | Pain | Dulled Weapon | Signet of Ghostly Might | Essence Strike | Armor of Unfeeling | Renewing Surge | Boon of Creation |
Golem Guard[edit]
Golem Boosters | Bit Golem Force | Bit Golem Breaker | Reactor Blast Timer | Reactor Blast | Blank | Blank | Blank |