Just like boro I'm giving my opinion on the last balance.
The Changes[edit]
PvE and PvP[edit]
Shadow Fang: added an after-cast delay.
- Shadowsteps don't need aftercast.They need balancing.Besides that like boro said only WE can afford this and be good with it.Typical to anet they check the build not the problem Lilondra
*panda* 19:20, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
Heart of Shadow: functionality changed to: "You are healed for 30...126...150, and you Shadow Step to a nearby location directly away from your target."
Viper's Defense: functionality changed to: "All adjacent foes are Poisoned for 5...17...20 seconds, and you Shadow Step to a nearby location, directly away from your target."
- Shadowsteps should be sin only.Stances should be pushed back to the primary profession.This basicly means that if a monk eats bull he shouldnt just click a stance.He should get support instead >>.Also I'd like to note that buffing energy denial might do something about this.Lilondra
*panda* 19:20, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
Mirror of Ice: functionality changed to: "For 5 seconds, plus 3 additional seconds for every rank of Energy Storage, you deal an additional 5...29...35 cold damage whenever you cast a Water Magic hex."
- Imo Just make primary attributes for skills of that profession.Untill now it has +- only allowed gimmicks Lilondra
*panda* 19:20, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
Steam: functionality changed to: "Target foe is struck for 5...41...50 cold damage. If target foe is on fire, Steam Blinds that foe for 5...9...10 seconds."
Illusionary Weaponry: decreased Energy cost to 5.
- Random buff.Anet is complaining about lack of resources yet they fit in random buffs like this ? Perhaps you forgot VoR,Empathy,Backfire and other skills that reward no skill.You forgot tease on hero's and you forgot bringing back utility like blackout.Lilondra
*panda* 19:20, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
Castigation Signet: increased recharge to 20 seconds.
- I don't rly believe this skill was totally imba then again I haven't been in serious pvp for a while.Lilondra
*panda* 19:20, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
Peace and Harmony: decreased duration to 3 seconds; increased recharge to 12 seconds.
- Did you actually forget WHY you brought this skill to life ? Let me help you remember.It was because you lacked resources to nerf hexes or rebalance them properly so you introduced a skill so imba it could keep hexgay out of the meta.Then WHY NERF IT Lilondra
*panda* 19:20, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
Word of Healing: decreased non-conditional healing to 5...81...100; increased conditional healing to 30...98...115.
- We all know WoH and PnH are/were OP.However Don't you realise these skills are needed simply because of the immense power creep.If you want to nerf those pls do something about the damage direction your taking it doesn't promote good play at all Lilondra
*panda* 19:20, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
Foul Feast: increased recharge to 5 seconds.
- The problem with the skill that it breaks inter-profession dynamics. Necromancers should have never given a draw. < What boro said Lilondra
*panda* 19:20, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
Lingering Curse: decreased healing reduction to 20%.
- The main problem with lingering curse that it's AoE, long-lasting, cheap, can be cast quickly and has no meaningful energy cost for a necro. < what boro said Lilondra
*panda* 19:20, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
Hunter's Shot: functionality changed to: "If this attack hits, your target bleeds for 3...21...25 seconds."
Zomg werent you guys afraid of giving rangers acces this easely to bleeding ? Why the hell are you breaking profession restrictions.Are you adding more damage and ignoring utility ? Lilondra *panda* 19:20, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
Melandru's Shot: functionality change to: "If this attack hits, your target bleeds for 5...21...25 seconds. If it hits a foe that is moving or knocked down, that foe takes +10...22...25 damage and is crippled for +5...13...15 seconds."
- Still to strong.I like this skills effect but still to strong Lilondra
*panda* 19:20, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
Keen Arrow: decreased conditional damage to 5...21...25.
Well you got something right rangers shouldnt be damagebots Lilondra *panda* 19:20, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
Protective Was Kaolai: increased recharge to 25 seconds.
Meh Rt just needs rework Lilondra *panda* 19:20, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
This was when I almost went head vs wall mode...
Strength of Honor (PvP): decreased damage to 1...4...5.
Couldn't you just change damage to holy ? Lilondra *panda* 19:20, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
Aegis (PvP): reduced casting time to .25. Functionality changed to: "For 1...3...3 seconds, hostile spells and attacks against 'target other ally' fail."
- You adressed AoE block GJ.However you didn't adress the need for it and made another SF skill.Don't you guys realise these are fucking bad for the game ? Ether prism ,Shadowform are both broken why wouldnt this be atleast bad for the game ?
Warrior's Endurance (PvP): this skill is now a stance.
Low Blow: functionality changed to: "Strike target foe for 45...65...70 damage. If target foe is knocked down, that foe takes an additional 30...46...50 damage and suffers from Cracked Armor for 14..20 seconds."
Or you can stop the need for pve skills and actually MAKE SOMETHING OF PVE EXEPT FUCKING GRIND Lilondra *panda* 19:20, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
Faction Skills[edit]
Elemental Lord: functionality changed to: "For 40...56...60 seconds, your elemental attributes are boosted by 1, you gain 1 Energy for every 10 ranks of Energy Storage, and you are healed for 100...260...300% of the Energy cost each time you cast a spell."
- Does it matter ? Why do you guys like turning this game into dommage against more dommage ? Where are all the golden moments ? Where are the things that made guildwars guildwars and not another bad wow clone ? I'll tell you now.They are (almost) gone ... Lilondra
*panda* 19:20, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
Summon Spirits: decreased recharge time to 5 seconds.
Tryptophan Signet: this skill no longer requires touch range.
We rly were waiting for that.Can't you just nerf what was broken ? Lilondra *panda* 19:20, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
Fragility: this skill now also affects adjacent foes.
Strength of Honor: increased damage to 5...21...25.
Zomg just what we need MOAR DOMMAGE Lilondra *panda* 19:20, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
Sry,I no longer believe in Any of the arenanet staff.Not even with Linsey.I still believe in Gw's potential to become a great (if not the best) game once again.But it will never happen because of the "lack of resources" also transelated as "lack of people".It is clear that Linsey and Regina rly care about GW (and its community) but it doesnt matter as the rest does not.
You didn't solve Hexgay.Instead you introduced PnH. You didn't solve grind .Instead you introduced boring imbalanced skills.
Then there is that last thing I just don't get.The thing that made gw this great (well one of the main reasons when looking at game balance) was utility.However if you check the last updates all buffs were pointed in a dommage direction.It might make the nubs happy but it doesnt make them better,It makes the game more boring (this is not an opinion this is a fact casting the same thing over and over with little variation is boring ,there is a REASON people leave) and it makes me sad :/.
Why did you nerf blackout and gale if you introduced much more powefull skills damagewise like VoR,PS or in anotherway like LC,WS.Why do you keep buffing raw power ? What is so fun about casting empathy a 1000 times.I admit its cool to win but should you win because of your skills ? What happened to the "skill is more importang then skills" thing ? Pls tell me Did anet just forget everything that made guildwars such a great game ? I'm 100 % shure that GWII will never be as good as GW I at its peak. It will be world of charrcraft betraying all the ideals in the hope they can chase wow.
GG guys GG