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User Lyger GeneralPageHeader.png Sweet lemonade, mmm sweet lemonade!

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User Lyger AboutMe.png[edit]

In my Real Life, I am a computer programmer from England. In my own geeky way, I love my job, which I feel is something that not many can claim - so I guess that makes me a lucky girl!

I was once the leader of the Guild Metal Headz [MH]. I have recently stepped down to join a more active guild (as Metal Headz [MH] is now dormant, due in part to my long hiatus from the game, and in part to the differing goals of some of the members). I may go back there one day if I ever feel the need to take up the mantle of Guild Leader again - but to be honest, I doubt it. I found the responsibility somewhat wearing, and playing the game began to feel like a job!

In Guild Wars, my long standing game addiction of over 5 years, I am currently spending some time maxing out some titles with my main focus on those ever-elusive account wide titles. I may get back into PvP again at some point - but the relaxing pace of PvE suits me quite well at the moment!

User Lyger MyCharacters.png

Mesmer.png Lyger Lethologica

Assassin.png Tactical Retreat

Monk.png Anonymous Alcoholic

Warrior.png Queen Cheese

Ranger.png Vodka Lethologica

Ritualist.png Dying Tickles

Necromancer.png Squee the Raptor

Elementalist.png Sherry Lethologica

Paragon.png Doris The Tea Lady

Dervish.png Ten Past Midnight

User Lyger GuildLife.png

19 Nov 2010

Once again, I have been a slacker when it comes to updating this!

Plenty has been going on, I guess. I've been somewhat absent from the PvP scene due to being something of a collector. My current ingame goal is to not only max out my HoM (46/50!), but to also gain everything that can be gained according to the lists on the handy calcultor. Which leaves me with plenty of armour sets to shoot for, and 11 tormented weapons to go. Miniature pets will be more problematic, but I figure that they're not all listed, so I'll feel no need to get all of them. Of course, that leaves me with gaining the various titles I have left to shoot for - which means I am seriously considering remaking my Necromancer and shooting for Legendary Defender of Ascalon. As vast as my patience is though, I'm still debating with myself as to whether or not I do actually have enough patience to seriously aim for that particular title. I'll see how my Legendary Survivor title goes!

Much of my recent gaming time (when not spending more time with Kilroy than is healthy) has been largely spent in FoW on my warrior or assassin. Of course, now there is a shiny new update to play with, I'll be playing with the new content before I go back to farming stuff for Obsidian Armour.

Which brings me neatly onto the awesome new costumes that have come out. They've been a godsend - now that I'm compelled to buy all the ugly armours I would not have previously touched with a barge pole, I can at least not feel so bad because I can keep the armour and hide it under something pretty. Hoorah!

See older entries

User Lyger ThanksTo.png

Cyan, MageMontu, Shoji and Silverleaf for having user pages that inspired me to make my own.

Freedom Bound for being gentle with a wiki newbie who inadvertently stepped on a policy.

Vanguard, Jon Lupen, Wyn and Cyan for being on hand with advice and help in these - my early days of becoming a wikipedian.

My guild and in-game friends on Guild Wars, who keep this game amazingly fun for me to play.

And finally - thanks to Anet, for creating a game that has kept me hooked since it was released - even with competition such as the latest releases of Guitar Hero.

User Lyger Userboxes.png[edit]

Mesmer-tango-icon-200.png This user is a Mesmer by nature.
Female.png This user is Female.
"Dervish Lyssa Avatar" concept art.jpg This user's matron goddess is Lyssa.
User Lyger SignatureText.png This user will fine you an ecto every time you swear, because they are sensitive.
Ether Lord.jpg This user serves is The Empress.
"For Elona!".jpg Madness? This is SPARTAAAH!!! MH.
Vampirism.jpg This User Likes Sweet Sweet Lemonade.