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User Lyger GuildLife.png

19 Nov 2010

Once again, I have been a slacker when it comes to updating this!

Plenty has been going on, I guess. I've been somewhat absent from the PvP scene due to being something of a collector. My current ingame goal is to not only max out my HoM (46/50!), but to also gain everything that can be gained according to the lists on the handy calcultor. Which leaves me with plenty of armour sets to shoot for, and 11 tormented weapons to go. Miniature pets will be more problematic, but I figure that they're not all listed, so I'll feel no need to get all of them. Of course, that leaves me with gaining the various titles I have left to shoot for - which means I am seriously considering remaking my Necromancer and shooting for Legendary Defender of Ascalon. As vast as my patience is though, I'm still debating with myself as to whether or not I do actually have enough patience to seriously aim for that particular title. I'll see how my Legendary Survivor title goes!

Much of my recent gaming time (when not spending more time with Kilroy than is healthy) has been largely spent in FoW on my warrior or assassin. Of course, now there is a shiny new update to play with, I'll be playing with the new content before I go back to farming stuff for Obsidian Armour.

Which brings me neatly onto the awesome new costumes that have come out. They've been a godsend - now that I'm compelled to buy all the ugly armours I would not have previously touched with a barge pole, I can at least not feel so bad because I can keep the armour and hide it under something pretty. Hoorah!

Guild Life Archive

Previous Entries[edit]

7 Sep 2010[edit]

Been quite a while since I did anything to my main Guild Wars page, so I figured it was time for an update!

Yesterday, I left behind Metal Headz [MH] in favour of being a member in a currently unwiki'd guild with the tag of [ICE]. The lack of responsibility is nice!

After a long hiatus from the game due to RL drama, I'm hoping to come back to playing the game as much as I did before. My currently ongoing project is title hunting on my monk, and maxing out some more of those pesky account-wide titles. I may even start the WiK content at some point!

17 Feb 2010[edit]

It's been a while since I updated this!

Sadly, real life has been busy recently, giving me less time to play than before.

That said, I'm once again beginning to find time to play Guild Wars, and I've decided to go on a vanquishing spree on my monk. Also, I'm one mission away from having a 4th legendary guardian on my account.

Other parts of my time are likely going to be taken up attempting to max some more account wide titles just for the sake of it.

Now that I have time to play once more, I'm also going to be aiming to suck less at PvP. If you see a mesmer running around in RA like a headless chicken, please try not to laugh too much. Actually scratch that - laugh lots. It may distract you from beating me down too hard and allow me to scrape a victory!

23 Jan 2010[edit]

Metal Headz [MH] didn't managed to break the top 500 on the ladder, and after some fun with henchmen builds, managed to fall off the ladder. Oops. Not to worry though - we'll get back up there soon enough! I think that some of our core members are getting bored of running the same builds in GvG at the moment (and to be honest, so am I!), so our time in GvG is being spent running slightly silly things just for the fun of it and to blow off steam. Roll on the skill update - and I hope we don't get disappointed!

Our alliance is growing, and is beginning to feel rather lively! I can only hope that our alliance continues to grow and be a fun place to be in Guild Wars. If any guilds out there are looking for a relaxed yet fun place to play, drop me a line. :)

14 Jan 2010[edit]

The last week has been a pretty awesome one, GvG-wise, for Metal Headz [MH]. We're officially on the ladder! Not quite in champ range, but on last check of the ladder on the Guild Wars website, we're ranked at 608. Granted, our losses far outweigh our wins going by the stats given for our guild on the official website. However, given that the majority of our team line up were inexperienced with GvG, and some of us inexperienced at PvP when we started out - I think it's a great achievement for all who have been involved. Nice work everyone who plays with us!

Obviously, we still have a long way to go skill wise, but it's nice to see our hard work and effort finally begin to pay off. Next goal for [MH] - get into Champ range on the ladder!

07 Jan 2010[edit]

After some shake ups in the alliance, Metal Headz [MH] is now heading up the alliance. At the moment, there are just two guilds in total (including us). We'll be Kurzick for a while longer to allow Jax and Lil to max out their Kurzick rank, and then we'll be going Luxon.

Anyway, long story short - if your guild is looking for a change, feel free to drop me a line and come and join us! We have a somewhat PvP focus, but the important thing for us as a group is that we can have fun with each other in whatever we are doing. So, even PvE focused guilds are welcome.

02 Jan 2010[edit]

Happy new year to all!

Well, the holidays have been somewhat eventful. The holiday spirit is alive and well in most, and sadly lacking in a few sad individuals.

I finally managed to get get GWAMM on my mesmer by maxing her sweet tooth title. This was almost sadly marred when I managed to get myself scammed out of 37k (my last reserves of gold needed to buy the sweets I needed) like a complete numpty. Was my own fault - I'm blaming my own eagerness to max my title and my own tiredness for being so stupid. I managed to hit accept on 20 fruitcakes for 40k ... when it should have been 250 fruitcakes. Trying to reason with the guy proved somewhat fruitless (or should I say fruitcakeless?), so I had to spend a bit of time playing with the cumbersome report website. Ah well. Hopefully, the mean spirited guy will get whats coming for him. May only have been 37k, but it's more about the principle of the thing for me.

Anyways, that *could* have put a downer on the whole thing for me... if my alliance hadn't all banded together to help me get so close to maxing my sweet tooth title in the first place, then banding together once again to raid their storage and put together the last 286 sweet points I needed after they heard what had happened to me. It really made my day, and I'd just like to thank everyone in my alliance (I would name them, but there are too many, and some are not on the wiki) who helped me max both my party animal and sweet tooth title. Their generosity is truly in keeping with the holiday spirit!

So, once again - happy new year all! I hope 2010 is a good one for you all!