User:Muppet/Elona Muppet

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MonkMending.jpg WarriorSprint.jpg NecromancerRend Enchantments.jpg ElementalistFire Storm.jpg RangerBarrage.jpg ParagonBarbed Spear.jpg RitualistPain.jpg MesmerPanic.jpg
Alpha Muppet
God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals
Beta Muppet
God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals
Delta Muppet
My Guild Hall Smells of Rich Mahogany
Mental Muppet
God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals
Legendary Muppet
People Know Me
Elona Muppet
People Know Me

Elona Muppet

As both new classes in NF wear skirts/dresses, I decided to make a female Paragon. Could not think of a suitable name for a spear chucker, so went with Elona as it has a nice ring to it. Although every char I have made since the Survivor title was added has reached rank 1 without any hassle, they had not made it to rank 2 (Mental died just twice by the time he finished NF campaign). Elona was the first to make it to rank 2, so I took care and made sure she got to rank 3!
User Muppet ElonaMuppet.jpg

Skill Bars

Barbed Spear.jpg
Barbed Spear.jpg
Barbed Spear.jpg
Barbed Spear.jpg
Barbed Spear.jpg
Barbed Spear.jpg
Barbed Spear.jpg

PvE defensive (updated)

Anthem of Weariness.jpg
"Save Yourselves!".jpg
Barbed Spear.jpg
Spear of Fury.jpg
Focused Anger.jpg
"There's Nothing to Fear!".jpg
Signet of Return.jpg
"Fall Back!".jpg

PvE with Disco gang

Barbed Spear.jpg
Blazing Spear.jpg
"Go for the Eyes!".jpg
"There's Nothing to Fear!".jpg
Signet of Return.jpg
Ebon Vanguard Assassin Support.jpg
  • Paragon
  • Level 20, Elonian
  • Created: October 2006
  • Experience: 4.6 Million
  • Pet:
She has a cutesy Jingle Bear
Jingle Bear.jpg

  • Armor:
Norn dyed black

  • Heroes:


  • Heroes to get:


  • Minipets:
Miniature Pig.pngMiniature Mursaat.png

  • Current Primary Focus:

Pottering about with no real focus now.

  • Character Titles:
People Know Me (2)
Legendary Survivor
Legendary Guardian
Protector of Tyria
Protector of Cantha
Protector of Elona
Guardian of Elona
Guardian of Tyria
Guardian of Cantha
Legendary Spearmarshal (10)
Revered Lightbringer (7)
Adventurous Delver (7)
Not Too Silly (7)
Valued Agent (8)
Slayer of All (10)
Veteran of the North (3)
Tyrian Skill Hunter
Canthan Skill Hunter
Elonian Skill Hunter
Tyrian Pathfinder (2)
Canthan Trailblazer (3)
Elonian Grandmaster Cartographer
Legendary Cartographer
Legendary Vanquisher
Tyrian Vanquisher
Canthan Vanquisher
Elonian Vanquisher
  • Account Titles:
Savior of the Kurzicks (12)
Savior of the Luxons (12)
Master Treasure Hunter (6)
Oracle of Wisdom (6)
Blessed by Fate (6)
Cursed by Fate (7)
Ally of the Zaishen (4)

  • Other Accomplishments:

Elona has completed the following campaigns
Guild Wars logo.pngGuild Wars Factions logo.png
Guild Wars Nightfall logo.png Guild Wars Eye of the North logo.png