User:Muppet/Alpha Muppet

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MonkMending.jpg WarriorSprint.jpg NecromancerRend Enchantments.jpg ElementalistFire Storm.jpg RangerBarrage.jpg ParagonBarbed Spear.jpg RitualistPain.jpg MesmerPanic.jpg
Alpha Muppet
God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals
Beta Muppet
God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals
Delta Muppet
My Guild Hall Smells of Rich Mahogany
Mental Muppet
God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals
Legendary Muppet
People Know Me
Elona Muppet
People Know Me

Alpha Muppet

Alpha was the 2nd character I created. I made a Monk so that I could support the other players in my guild (and PUGs). Before Heroes were added, Alpha was usually the first character to finish anything, as being a Monk he received multiple invites to join PUGs as soon as he landed in any outpost. After Heroes, with everyone able to bring a customised Monk that was far better than the hench, he was less in demand and so took to playing only when needed, and thus was overtaken by Beta in game play time and achievements
User Muppet AlphaMuppet.jpg

Skill Bars


Recently used

Prot/Divine (used this when Vanquishing)

Watchful Healing.jpg
Empathic Removal.jpg
Shield of Absorption.jpg
Seed of Life.jpg
Glyph of Lesser Energy.jpg
Protective Spirit.jpg

Heal/PnH (used this in HM too)

Heaven's Delight.jpg
Peace and Harmony.jpg
Signet of Rejuvenation.jpg
Ethereal Light.jpg
Patient Spirit.jpg
Vigorous Spirit.jpg
Seed of Life.jpg
Divine Healing.jpg

Smite/Para for JQ

Ray of Judgment.jpg
Reversal of Damage.jpg
Smite Condition.jpg
Cure Hex.jpg
Restful Breeze.jpg
Healing Breeze.jpg
"Fall Back!".jpg
"Make Haste!".jpg

All purpose PvE bar

Cure Hex.jpg
Signet of Rejuvenation.jpg
Patient Spirit.jpg
Word of Healing.jpg
Dismiss Condition.jpg
Seed of Life.jpg
Selfless Spirit.jpg
Protective Spirit.jpg
  • Monk
  • Level 20, Tyrian
  • Created: Apr 2005 (when it all began)
  • Experience: 11.3 Million
  • Pet:
Imperial Phoenix
Phoenix (pet).jpg

  • Armor:
Elite Luxon dyed black+blue

  • Heroes:
At the Hall of Monuments:


Others recruited:


Still to recruit:


  • Minipets (at HoM):

Miniature King Adelbern.pngMiniature Nian.pngMiniature Desert Griffon.pngMiniature Word of Madness.pngMiniature Cloudtouched Simian.pngMiniature Freezie.pngMiniature Black Moa Chick.png
Miniature Celestial Dragon.pngMiniature Celestial Rabbit.pngMiniature Celestial Tiger.pngMiniature Celestial Rat.pngMiniature Mandragor Imp.pngMiniature Palawa Joko.pngMiniature Elf.png
Miniature Pig.pngMiniature Water Djinn.pngMiniature Siege Turtle.pngMiniature Temple Guardian.pngMiniature Jade Armor.pngMiniature Kirin.png

  • Current Primary Focus:
Pottering about, playing when I get the mood.
  • Character Titles:
God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals (31)
Legendary Cartographer
Tyrian Grandmaster Cartographer
Canthan Grandmaster Cartographer
Elonian Grandmaster Cartographer
Legendary Guardian
Protector of Tyria
Protector of Cantha
Protector of Elona
Guardian of Tyrian
Guardian of Cantha
Guardian of Elonian
Legendary Spearmarshal
Holy Lightbringer
Legendary Survivor
Legendary Delver (10)
Secret Agent (10)
Slayer of All (10)
Not Too Foolish (10)
Legendary Master of the North (6)
Tyrian Skill Hunter
Canthan Skill Hunter
Elonian Skill Hunter
Legendary Skill Hunter
Tyrian Vanquisher
Canthan Vanquisher
Elonian Vanquisher
Legendary Vanquisher
Sweet tooth
Party Animal
  • Account Titles:
Savior of the Kurzicks (12)
Savior of the Luxons (12)
Master Treasure Hunter (6)
Oracle of Wisdom (6)
Blessed by Fate (6)
Cursed by Fate (7)
Ally of the Zaishen (4)

  • Other Accomplishments:

Alpha has completed the following campaigns
Guild Wars logo.png Guild Wars Factions logo.png Guild Wars Nightfall logo.png
Guild Wars Eye of the North logo.pngGuild Wars Beyond logo.png

Plus the following elite areas

  • Titan Quests
  • Sorrow's Furnace
  • Fissure of Woe
  • Underworld (+ Dhuum!)
  • Urgoz's Warren