User:Praise/Pet Damage

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A player's pet's base damage depends on its evolution. Further calculations are the same as for player weapon damage.
In PvE, a factor 1.33 is applied to pet damage after rounding. This causes a pet's damage interval to be discontinuous and its average slightly off center.

The tables below shows an Elder pet's expected damage ranges in PvP and PvE. The numbers for PvE were confirmed observed in game.

Other than your Beast Mastery, pet's evolution, and standard dmg calculation factors, there are two more things that can influence your pet's damage: its movement speed and its attack speed. Most pets have their attack speed set to 2 s/attack, and their movement speed to 125% relative to you. However, six pets differ in one or both of these. Details can be found in the table below.
All values are observed in game. As you can see, the real attack speed is different from its set attack speed, probably because different attack animations have different durations. Additionally, the Black Bear uses Brutal Mauling which increases its average attack duration.
Note that the pet's movement speed is given while running. However, over large distances, they will move slightly slower due to pausing animations for a split second. So in reality their average movement speed is about 1% lower.

Class Pet average attack speed (ms) peak1 (ms) peak2 (ms) peak3 (ms) movement speed
Exotic/Prestige Black Widow 2132 2000 2150 2383 125%
Exotic/Prestige Moss Spider 1883 1750 1883 1900 100%
Exotic/Prestige Panda 2134 2000 2149 125%
Exotic/Prestige Racing Beetle 1463 1333 1483 1550 100%
Exotic/Prestige White Jingle Moa 2128 2000 2150 2383 125%
Exotic/Prestige Hound of Balthazar 2132 2000 2133 2150 125%
Exotic/Prestige Black Moa 2142 2000 2150 2383 125%
Exotic/Prestige Jingle Bear 2130 2000 2150 2383 125%
Exotic/Prestige Phoenix 2135 2000 2150 2383 125%
Exotic/Prestige Rainbow Phoenix 2137 2000 2150 2166 125%
Exotic/Prestige White Moa 2131 2000 2150 2383 125%
Nightfall Crocodile 125%
Nightfall Flamingo 2135 2000 2149 2233 125%
Nightfall Hyena 125%
Nightfall Jahai Rat 125%
Nightfall Lion 125%
Nightfall Lioness 125%
Cantha Crane 125%
Cantha Lurker 125%
Cantha Reef Lurker 125%
Cantha Tiger 2135 2000 2150 2383 105%
Cantha White Tiger 125%
Tyria Black Bear 2589 2000 3999 2149 125%
Tyria Dune Lizard 125%
Tyria Lynx 125%
Tyria Melandru's Stalker 125%
Tyria Moa Bird 1634 1500 1650 1733 125%
Tyria Warthog 125%
Tyria Wolf 125%
EotN Albino Rat 125%
EotN Black Wolf 125%
EotN Iguana 125%
EotN Mountain Eagle 125%
EotN Polar Bear 125%
EotN Raven 2134 2000 2150 2383 100%
EotN White Crab 125%
EotN White Wolf 125%