User:Raine Valen/Mass Balance/Ritualist/Skills

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Channeling Magic[edit]

Channeling Magic was the Ritualist's way of dealing damage, both by supporting allies with weapon spells and offensive skills like Ancestor's Rage and by directly dealing damage with skills like Caretaker's Charge. This attribute was largely balanced on its own, but when combined with the "one attribute fits all" nature of Restoration Magic, it could create a character that was far too specialized in far too many things. We've made some tweaks to Channeling with that in mind, in an attempt to reward specialization.


Every class had their "bad attribute", and Ritualists were no exception: Communing was often referred to as "completely useless". As such, it was due for a more drastic rework. A lot of skills have been moved and modified in order to give Communing some meaningful purpose, hopefully allowing it to see some play.

Restoration Magic[edit]

Restoration magic had been somewhat of a monster in the past due to several things: being "Healing Prayers" and "Protection Prayers" in the same attribute, having irremovable Weapon Spells on par with many Enchantments, and powerful passive restoration were a few of the things that this attribute formerly gave access to. In short, Restoration Magic did way too much to effectively balance, short of making individual skills weak. We've made several big changes to the attribute in the hopes of carving of some of its more problematic facets from the attribute.

Spawning Power[edit]

The Ritualist Primary Attribute, Spawning Power contained a lot of skills aimed at increasing the power and efficiency of the Ritualist's other skills, while also enhancing the Ritualist's ability to perform some of the roles that had previously been reserved for specific classes (like Minion Mastery), which made Spawning Power was one of the more fun attributes to play and experiment with. We sought to preserve the "fun to play" aspect of the attribute, while making sure to keep balance in check.


As with every profession, the Ritualist had their share of unlinked skills. In this update, we worked to ensure that these were properly balanced, as well.