List of elite warrior skills

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Warrior Warrior skill lists (edit)
AllCorePropheciesFactionsNightfallEye of the NorthElite skills
StrengthAxe MasteryHammer MasterySwordsmanshipTacticsNo attribute
Tango-adrenaline.png AdrenalineTango-energy.png EnergyTango-activation-darker.png Activation timeTango-recharge-darker.png Recharge timeTango-quest-icon.png Skill rewards

Axe Mastery (5)[edit]

IconNameDescriptionAdrenalineEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeCampaign
Cleave.jpg Cleave Elite Axe Attack. Deals +10...26...30 damage. 4 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Core
Decapitate.jpg Decapitate Elite Axe Attack. Deals +5...41...50 damage. Inflicts Deep Wound condition (5...17...20 seconds). Automatic critical hit. You lose all adrenaline and Energy. 8 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Nightfall
Eviscerate.jpg Eviscerate Elite Axe Attack. Deals +1...25...31 damage. Inflicts Deep Wound condition (5...17...20 seconds). 8 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Prophecies
Triple Chop.jpg Triple Chop Elite Axe Attack. Deals +10...34...40 damage. Also hits adjacent foes. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png Factions
Whirling Axe.jpg Whirling Axe Elite Axe Attack. Deals +5...17...20 damage and removes a stance. Unblockable. 4 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Factions

Hammer Mastery (6)[edit]

IconNameDescriptionAdrenalineEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeCampaign
Backbreaker.jpg Backbreaker Elite Hammer Attack. Deals +1...16...20 damage. Causes knockdown. Knockdown lasts 4 seconds with Strength 8 or higher. 9 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Prophecies
Devastating Hammer.jpg Devastating Hammer Elite Hammer Attack. Causes knock-down. Inflicts Weakness condition (5...17...20 seconds). 7 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Core
Earth Shaker.jpg Earth Shaker Elite Hammer Attack. Knocks down target and adjacent foes. 50% failure chance unless Hammer Mastery is 5 or more. 8 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Prophecies
Enraged Smash.jpg Enraged Smash Elite Hammer Attack. Gives you 1...3...4 strike[s] of adrenaline if you hit. Deals +10...34...40 damage and causes knockdown if target foe was moving. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 0055 Tango-recharge-darker.png Factions
Enraged Smash (PvP).jpg Enraged Smash (PvP) Elite Hammer Attack. Gives you 1...3...4 strike[s] of adrenaline if you hit. Deals +10...34...40 damage and causes knockdown if target foe was moving. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png Factions
Forceful Blow.jpg Forceful Blow Elite Hammer Attack. Deals +10...26...30 damage. Remove target foe's stance. Inflicts Weakness condition (5...17...20 seconds). Unblockable. 5 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Factions
Magehunter's Smash.jpg Magehunter's Smash Elite Hammer Attack. Causes knock-down. Unblockable if target foe is enchanted. 8 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Nightfall

Strength (12)[edit]

IconNameDescriptionAdrenalineEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeCampaign
Battle Rage.jpg Battle Rage Elite Stance. (5...17...20 seconds.) You move 33% faster and gain double adrenaline from your attacks. Ends if you use any non-adrenal skills. 4 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Core
Bull's Charge.jpg Bull's Charge Elite Stance. (5...10...11 seconds.) You move 33% faster. Causes knock-down if you hit a moving foe in melee. Ends if you use a skill. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png Prophecies
Charging Strike.jpg Charging Strike Elite Stance. (1...8...10 second[s].) You move 33% faster and deal +10...34...40 damage with your next melee hit. Ends when you hit or if you use a skill. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 0055 Tango-recharge-darker.png Nightfall
Defy Pain.jpg Defy Pain Elite Skill. (20 seconds.) You have +90...258...300 maximum Health, +20 armor, and take 1...8...10 less damage. 5 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Prophecies
Defy Pain (PvP).jpg Defy Pain (PvP) Elite Stance. (20 seconds.) You have +90...258...300 maximum Health and +20 armor. 5 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Prophecies
Dwarven Battle Stance.jpg Dwarven Battle Stance Elite Stance. (5...10...11 seconds.) You attack 33% faster, you gain +40 armor, and your attack skills interrupt actions. No effect unless you have a hammer equipped. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png Prophecies
Flourish.jpg Flourish Elite Skill. Recharges your attack skills. You gain 2...6...7 Energy for each skill recharged. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0088 Tango-recharge-darker.png Prophecies
Headbutt.jpg Headbutt Elite Touch Skill. Deals 40...88...100 damage. You are Dazed (5...17...20 seconds). 0 1515 Tango-energy.png 00.750.75¾ Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png Nightfall
Magehunter Strike.jpg Magehunter Strike Elite Melee Attack. Deals +5...17...20 damage. Unblockable if target foe is enchanted. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 00.500.5½ Tango-activation-darker.png 0033 Tango-recharge-darker.png Nightfall
Primal Rage.jpg Primal Rage Elite Stance. (1...12...15 second[s].) You attack 33% faster and move 25% faster. You take double damage. 4 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png Factions
Rage of the Ntouka.jpg Rage of the Ntouka Elite Skill. You gain 1...6...7 adrenaline. For 10 seconds, adrenal skills have a 5 second recharge when used. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png Nightfall
Seven Weapons Stance.jpg Seven Weapons Stance Elite Stance. (3...17...20 seconds.) Weapon attributes are increased by +1...12...15. You attack 33% faster. PvE Skill 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png Core
Warrior's Endurance.jpg Warrior's Endurance Elite Skill. (5...29...35 seconds.) You gain 3 Energy each time you hit with a melee attack. No Energy gain if you have more than 10...22...25 Energy. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 03030 Tango-recharge-darker.png Prophecies
Warrior's Endurance (PvP).jpg Warrior's Endurance (PvP) Elite Stance. (5...29...35 seconds.) You gain 3 Energy each time you hit with a melee attack. No Energy gain if you have more than 10...22...25 Energy. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 03030 Tango-recharge-darker.png Prophecies

Swordsmanship (4)[edit]

IconNameDescriptionAdrenalineEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeCampaign
Crippling Slash.jpg Crippling Slash Elite Sword Attack. Inflicts Crippled condition (5...13...15 seconds) and Bleeding condition (10...22...25 seconds). 6 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Nightfall
Dragon Slash.jpg Dragon Slash Elite Sword Attack. Deals +10...34...40 damage. You gain 1...4...5 strike[s] of adrenaline if it hits. 10 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Factions
Dragon Slash (Turai Ossa).jpg Dragon Slash (Turai Ossa) Elite Sword Attack. Deals +36...38...40 damage. You gain 4...5...5 strikes of adrenaline if it hits. 10 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Bonus Mission Pack
Hundred Blades.jpg Hundred Blades Elite Skill. (15 seconds.) Deals 10...22...25 slashing damage to all adjacent foes whenever you attack with a sword. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 02525 Tango-recharge-darker.png Core
Quivering Blade.jpg Quivering Blade Elite Sword Attack. Deals +10...34...40 damage. Inflicts Dazed condition (5 seconds) if target foe was moving. 5 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Factions

Tactics (7)[edit]

IconNameDescriptionAdrenalineEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeCampaign
"Charge!".jpg "Charge!" Elite Shout. (5...11...13 seconds.) Allies in earshot move 33% faster. Initial effect: these allies lose the Crippled condition. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png Core
"Victory Is Mine!".jpg "Victory Is Mine!" Elite Shout. You gain 10...56...68 Health and 3...6...7 Energy for each condition on target foe. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png Prophecies
Auspicious Parry.jpg Auspicious Parry Elite Stance. (8 seconds.) Blocks one attack. End effect: you gain 1...3...4 strike[s] of adrenaline. 1 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0022 Tango-recharge-darker.png Factions
Gladiator's Defense.jpg Gladiator's Defense Elite Stance. (5...10...11 seconds.) You have 75% chance to block. Your attacker takes 5...29...35 damage whenever you block a melee attack this way. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 03030 Tango-recharge-darker.png Prophecies
Shove.jpg Shove Elite Touch Skill. Causes knockdown. Initial effect: ends foe's stance and deals 15...63...75 damage if target foe is moving. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 00.750.75¾ Tango-activation-darker.png 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png Factions
Soldier's Stance.jpg Soldier's Stance Elite Stance. (5...13...15 seconds.) You have a 75% chance to block. You attack 33% faster while under the effects of a chant or shout. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png Nightfall
Soldier's Stance (PvP).jpg Soldier's Stance (PvP) Elite Stance. (4...9...10 seconds.) You attack 33% faster while under the effects of a shout or chant. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 0088 Tango-recharge-darker.png Nightfall
Steady Stance.jpg Steady Stance Elite Stance. (10 seconds.) The next time you would be knocked-down, you gain 1...3...3 adrenaline and 1...6...7 Energy instead. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 0066 Tango-recharge-darker.png Nightfall

No Attribute (3)[edit]

IconNameDescriptionAdrenalineEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeCampaign
"Coward!".jpg "Coward!" Elite Shout. Causes knock-down if target foe is moving. 4 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0022 Tango-recharge-darker.png Factions
"You're All Alone!".jpg "You're All Alone!" Elite Shout. Inflicts Cripple and Weakness conditions (8 seconds). No effect if target foe is near one of its allies. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png Nightfall
Skull Crack.jpg Skull Crack Elite Melee Attack. Interrupts an action. Inflicts Dazed condition (10 seconds) if target is casting a spell. 9 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 00.500.5½ Tango-activation-darker.png 0 Prophecies

Elite skill lists (edit)
Elite skillSkill Hunter
By profession
Warrior WarriorRanger RangerMonk MonkNecromancer NecromancerMesmer MesmerElementalist Elementalist
Assassin AssassinRitualist RitualistParagon ParagonDervish DervishProfession All
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