welcome to my to do list, these are personal goals so unless you want to know what i plan to do i doubt you'll be interested in this list.
Anyway i'll first give a short list and then i'll most likely go into the detail of everything i need to do for each goal
this is all for my assassin now since he's me main, if there is an to do item for another character i'll mention it.
short list[edit]
-finish exploring tyria
-vq cantha
-vq tyria
-vq elonia
-collect all normal skills
-gather Z-coins for heavy bag
-finish rank 10 sunspear
-reach r10 vanguard
-reach r10 norn
-reach r10 asuran
Cantha vq[edit]
area's left[edit]
- Shing Jea Island
Haiju Lagoon; Jaya Bluffs; Kinya Province; Minister Cho's Estate; Panjiang Peninsula; Saoshang Trail; Sunqua Vale; Zen Daijun
- Kaineng City
Bukdek Byway; Nahpui Quarter; Pongmei Valley; Raisu Palace; Shadow's Passage; Shenzun Tunnels; Sunjiang District; Tahnnakai Temple; Wajjun Bazaar; Xaquang Skyway
- Echovald Forest
Arborstone; Drazach Thicket; Ferndale; Melandru's Hope; Morostav Trail; Mourning Veil Falls; The Eternal Grove
- The Jade Sea
Archipelagos; Boreas Seabed; Gyala Hatchery; Maishang Hills; Mount Qinkai; Rhea's Crater; Silent Surf; Unwaking Waters
Elonia vq[edit]
area's left[edit]
- Vabbi
Forum Highlands; Garden of Seborhin; Holdings of Chokhin; Resplendent Makuun; The Hidden City of Ahdashim; The Mirror of Lyss; Vehjin Mines; Vehtendi Valley; Wilderness of Bahdza; Yatendi Canyons
- The Desolation
Crystal Overlook; Joko's Domain; Poisoned Outcrops; The Alkali Pan; The Ruptured Heart; The Shattered Ravines; The Sulfurous Wastes
tyria vq[edit]
area's left[edit]
- Ascalon
Ascalon Foothills; Diessa Lowlands; Dragon's Gullet; Eastern Frontier; Flame Temple Corridor; Old Ascalon; Pockmark Flats; Regent Valley; The Breach
- Northern Shiverpeaks
Anvil Rock; Deldrimor Bowl; Griffon's Mouth; Iron Horse Mine; Traveler's Vale
- Kryta
Cursed Lands; Kessex Peak; Majesty's Rest; Nebo Terrace; North Kryta Province; Scoundrel's Rise; Stingray Strand; Talmark Wilderness; Tears of the Fallen; Twin Serpent Lakes; Watchtower Coast
- Maguuma Jungle
Dry Top; Ettin's Back; Mamnoon Lagoon; Reed Bog; Sage Lands; Silverwood; Tangle Root; The Falls
- Crystal Desert
Diviner's Ascent; Prophet's Path; Salt Flats; Skyward Reach; The Arid Sea; The Scar; Vulture Drifts
- Southern Shiverpeaks
Dreadnought's Drift; Frozen Forest; Grenth's Footprint; Ice Floe; Icedome; Lornar's Pass; Mineral Springs; Snake Dance; Spearhead Peak; Talus Chute; Tasca's Demise; Witman's Folly
- Ring of Fire Islands