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09 Nov 2009[edit]

Yesterday turned into a mainly PvE day for me. I completed a few more NM missions on my Warrior, and I did a couple of NM dungeons on my Monk. I'm hoping to complete her NM dungeon guide before the associated EotN titles are above the level whereby I can no longer turn the book in. It's going to be pretty tight, methinks.

I'm also proud to announce that I finally completed my Mesmers HoM - all I had to do was get around to buying up the materials for 11 destroyer weapons. I'm not sure why I put it off for so long. So, my next project on my mesmer (in addition to maxing those last two elusive titles for GWAMM) is to get the relevant inscriptions on the shiny new destroyer weapons and kit out my mesmers heroes - since it would be a damn shame to just destroy the weapons to make inventory space.

GvG wasn't so successful yesterday - I'm hoping that we haven't peaked. Then again, we weren't playing with our usual core, so maybe that explains it. We also ventured into HA, which netted me a whole fame. Go me.

In wiki land, I corrected my Dynamic Message template as I realised I was checking against the day of the month as opposed to the day of the week. Oops.

08 Nov 2009[edit]

The last couple of days saw MH blowing up a couple of missions in HM. I grabbed my neglected Warrior for this, and amused my guild with her very poor skill set. Go go Triple Chop! I may take her out for a spin again today and actually finish some of those NM missions she needs. Either that, or play my monk some more.

We also played alot of GvG. Yesterday, we played an epic 18 matches. Granted, we didn't win all of them - but we won enough to get our rating up to a somewhat cooler than before 941. And this was without our core team warrior, who sadly broke her left hand. I was almost tempted to make a list of things that she can no longer do with her hand in a cast, but decided that would be a bit mean. (Hey, clap for me Yena! >:D )

It made me realise once again what a great group of people I'm playing this game with. Granted, we don't always win - but the attitude of our players is golden. Everyone is willing to step up to the plate and admit they aren't the bestest players evar - and also take responsibility for playing better. Given the number of elitist players that can be encountered in a game such as this, I think I'm very lucky to have found such a cool bunch to play with.

06 Nov 2009[edit]

There was some excitement following the news that the final UW quest had been released, but upon reading the title of it and talking to the Avatar of Grenth in ToA, we gave up waiting and went to play GvG instead.

Last night was a relatively chilled out one - though our GvG's brought a few losses and a few raised voices on vent. However, we did win our last 2 GvG's once our good luck charms joined us, which cheered us all up immensely.

I did almost make a another attempt at some dungeon crawling with my monk, but the promise of a new UW quest and some GvG tempted me away from the first floor of Raven's Point. I've promised myself to put some work into my monk over the weekend. I think I need help with my title addiction.

05 Nov 2009[edit]

To all my fellow Brits out there - happy bonfire night!

Last night didn't see much in the way of GvG happening, as certain people decided that school work was way more important than GvG (infidels). So, a bunch of us went to blow up snowmen. This was a good arrangement, since certain guildies got to practice their infooooooze skillz, and the rest of us got to open lots of treasure chests and boost that gosh darn Deldrimor rank. As repetitive as it can get, it's a win-win for all involved. Except the snowmen.

Although we didn't do *much* GvG, some of the guys from [RAGE] proclaimed themselves available to GvG, so we guested a bunch of them and played a couple of matches - which we lost. Not much excuse for losing the first match, but the second match outcome was determined from the start when we saw that we were up against a rank 500 guild. Ah well. Our rating is still around the 930 mark, so I guess it wasn't too much of a setback.

04 Nov 2009[edit]

Since last night was my weekly pub quiz night, I was unable to log on to Guild Wars. I am now experiencing both fear and anticipation of what my guild got up to in my absence.

I'm hoping not to log on and see our rating tanked due to someone finding the idea of running a pets + barbs build hilarious. I wouldn't put it past certain members of the guild, though I have to admit I wouldn't mind - running silliness in PvP is fun at times, even when you know you're going to lose. It's the laughter we share that keeps things fun.

Then again, I think the guild is enjoying the current upward trend in our rating, so odds are that any silliness was taken to AB. If that happened, I bet our fellow Kurzicks were over joyed to be further gimped in that game format! It's been too long since the fast-cast flarespam Lygerway build was seen in AB. We should totally run that again soon.

03 Nov 2009[edit]

Yesterday in MH didn't see too much serious GvG going on. However, our fantastic heal monk thought it would be funny to take us into a GvG match with only 6 people, largely equipped with PvE builds. Most impressive was the wanding from our member who only had one skill equipped on his bar - which happened to be a PvE skill. I myself had an Assassin's Promise build equipped on my mesmer, with 3 PvE skills.

Even fighting at such low ranks, you can probably guess what the outcome of this somewhat longer than expected match was. We lost 7 rating. Ah well. I haven't laughed so much in a GvG match in a long time, so I guess it was worth it!

After that, we realised that we couldn't get enough together for GvG, so we decided to blast our way through FoW in hard mode. Despite not running any speedclear builds, we managed to complete all missions in a comparitively short time - helped largely by our Shadow Form assassin running off to complete more than half the quests for us. The only obsidian shard I got from that outing was the one from the end chest.

I think the Guild Wars loot system hates my mesmer. :(

02 Nov 2009[edit]

The last couple of days saw MH mainly farming the repeatable halloween quest for ToT bags. I'm glad to say that this helped me progress my Sweet Tooth and Party Animal titles on my mesmer by a nice chunk. I think I will indeed complete those titles before I concentrate on the Treasure Hunter title.

Yesterday, the drama laama came to visit MH. Thankfully, there were no casualties, and guild life seems to be settling down once more - and everyone is thinking of the children at last. Aw.

In GvG news, we managed to get our rating up to around 938. It's nice to watch our rating start to climb as we become less rubbish at GvG - though we still have much to learn if we want to keep our upwards trend.

31 Oct 2009[edit]

Happy Halloween everyone!

Last night turned into a fun GvG night in MH. We played a a few good games, and finally got our rating up above 900 - which may seem kind of meh, but when we started off with GvG, we managed to tank our rating down to 735 at our worst. I think something finally clicked for us, and we're on the up! So, good job team!

In my never ending quest to max out titles, I decided to continue with filing in my Young Heroes of Tyria books for my mesmer. Time to start putting some effort into the Luxon title track, methinks.

30 Oct 2009[edit]

Once again, last nights guild activities seemed to be rather focused on the wiki. For those of us not playing on the wiki too much, order of the day was some low end missions, and in my case - completion of the second Halloween quest on 6 characters (as my necro hasn't even completed the first prophecies mission yet). GvG was proposed, but didn't happen due to people being afk while they played with Userboxes, and generally annoying the Wiki community.

I'm hoping that tonight does not bring another guild invasion of the wiki - though I am assured that for the most part, they will settle down into nice little contributors.

Today has marked my first attempt at doing something serious on the wiki, and I'd much appreciate any feedback on the article itself, and what I should do differently in the future.

29 Oct 2009[edit]

It seems I managed to infect my guildies with the wiki bug. It began after I linked the MH guild page on the forum, and announced my user page was at a point I was happy with.

So, last night saw us all logged on to Guild Wars not actually playing the game, but discussing such things as how to use picture editing software and how to create a user page on the wiki. As a wiki newbie myself, I did my best to point my members to the relevant articles on wiki and help out with my limited knowledge of HTML where I could.

I was wondering if I should apologise in advance to those who are faint of heart for the Metal Headz (and allies) invasion of the wiki - and then I realised I'd already missed the boat. Their exuberance is one of the many reasons I find them so fun! I'm sure they'll calm down and be nice contributors in the next couple of days. ;)

It was getting close to my bed time when I finally decided to run through the second halloween UW quest on my mesmer. My first attempt ended up in being degenned to death at the bone pits. My second attempt was more successful, and I managed to do it in just under 20 minutes. I need to do that on 6 more characters yet! Ah well. I like ToT bags too much.

I'm hoping that tonight will see us actually play some GvG - though odds are we'll find another distraction to amuse ourselves with, I'm sure!

28 Oct 2009[edit]

So, this is the first ever posting about life in MH.

Some would say that being a Guild Leader gives you instant respect off your guildies.

I haven't found this to be the case. It seems my main value as a leader is entertainment - be it demands to do 'the hamster laugh' on vent or to sing 'I like big butts' all the way through. I'm pretty sure that's the only reason some of my more PvP experienced members allow me to play GvG with them. Heh!

In recent days, we haven't been able to get together to GvG, what with the halloween event going on. Myself and my guildies (apart from our resident troll) seem to have gained a new found sweet tooth and need for tonics. Ah well, it's only for a week - and will be totally worth it if I can manage to reach the half way point to Sweeth Tooth on my mesmer!