User:Nae Lussia Taani/memories/nightfall

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Spoiler alert: The following text contains spoilers relating to the story of Guild Wars.


Kamadan, Jewel of Istan inside.jpg

In 1075 AE, nearly 2 years after Shiro's defeat, a new story started in Elona with 2 promising recruits of the Order of the Sunspears (defenders of the whole continent), Paragon Maï Bjan and Dervish Jeilin. They helped to defend a village from a corsair raid in Istan as a first achievement. They were charge by Spearmarshal Kormir to assemble a team to exacavate the cursed ruins of Fahranur city, but they soon realized that diggers were wiped out and left with glowing marks on their bodies. They made their way though the ruins and defeated the source of an evil force, a living graven monolith, who foretold the Nightfall event: when the forgotten god Abaddon will awake.

Kormir left Elona to seek out some help and clues. As we were discovering some strange Chaos Rifts across the world and as some members of our team are tied to Elona, we gathered again and joined Kormir back to Elona. On our arrival, we prevented an assault of corsairs and Kournans combined. Kormir was convinced that the Kournan leader, Warmarshal Varesh, was trying to provoke the Nightfall.

Meanwhile, the sunspears met Tahlkora, who was pretending that Kournan leaders were plotting against Istan and caused the trouble in Fahranur. They infiltrated the corsairs and prevent a deal with a Kournan general but the death of a Kournan general on Istani soil at the hands of the Sunspears raised tension between the two provinces.

We met at this point, in the middle of war preparations. As Dervish Jeilin was a childhood friend of Elementalist Deanuwi, the 2 sunspears naturally ended up joining our team.


War against Kourna[edit]

Nightfall screenshot 15.jpg

Under Kormir command, we led the attack of the sunspear to capture Varesh Ossa. We reached her in her fortress but it was a trap. Somehow, Varesh Ossa unleashed demons upon the battleground, that merely smashed down our forces. Kormir covered our escape and probably died in this battle. With the remaining Sunspears, we decided to settle a new command post, hidden in underground caverns of Kourna. From here we were able to free number of other soldiers and evacuated them back to Istan. Upon returning in Kamadan, the council of Elders charged us to rally the third province, Vabbi.

Unfortunately, the only known road to reach Vabbi goes through the impregnable Fortress of Jahai. Scouting around for another path, we encountered the local Centaur population, enslaved by Kournans. We freed them in a risky plan but ensured their support against Kourna. Then, a mysterious figure named the Master of Whispers offered us his help to find a way to Vabbi, while a shady corsair named Margrid the Sly had a plan to rescue Kormir, actually alive and kept captive. We split in two teams as time was against us.

Sneaking to Vabbi[edit]


Dervish Jeilin, Elementalist Deanuwi Mesmer Lunei Cho Ranger Sana and I followed the Master of Whispers toward a passage through the Elon River, blocked by a demon. We helped a friendly Djinn to defeat it and avoid the whole river corruption. Then we were able to find the entrance to the secret passage.

Meanwhile, Paragon Maï Bjan, Ritualist Hyu Vestalion, Warrior Yinia, Assassin Etueyo and Monk Vale made a deal with Margrid: by helping her retrieving a valuable artifact from Kournan, she would help saving Kormir. They infiltrated the Gandara fortress, freed Kormir and manage to quickly escape. Kormir learnt about the secret passage to Vabbi and Margrid guided them.

We reunited at the entrance of an old smuggler's cave. We tried to sneak passage through but corsairs and Kournans were already aware of our plan! We were able to get out toward Vabbi but we had to get rid of a Kournan general once again. Varesh used this new excuse to send a new army to Vabbi...


Taani's memories

World of TyriaPropheciesFactionsNightfallEye of the NorthWar in KrytaWinds of ChangeAfter