Guild Wars Wiki:Projects/German translation task force/archive
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This page is an archive of resolved translations errors. Please do not edit the contents of this page. See the project's home for more information. |
Spelling and grammatical mistakes
- Spawning Power is tranlated with " Macht des Herbeirufens" (there is a redundant space at the beginning)
- Performance Monitor: "Letzter Ping :[number]", space is on the wrong place, correct: "Letzter Ping: [number]"
- Agonizing Chop: The construction "[...] unterbricht Ihr [...]" is wrong and should be "[...] unterbrecht Ihr [...]".
- Deadly Haste: "Sekunden lang werden auf Zauber mit halber Reichweite" ("auf" is redundant)
- Edge of Reason in Nightfallen Jahai: "Fertigkeiten werden wird zusätzliche 3 Sekunden deaktiviert." ("wird" is redundant)
- Energizing Wind: The spirit is called "Geist der Triebwinde" instead of "Geist der Treibwinde"
- Lightbringer's Gaze: Skill description says "[...] den Ihr bei Lichtbringer erworben hat [...]" but correct would be "[...] den Ihr bei Lichtbringer erworben habt [...]"
- Magehunter's Smash: A "trifft" too much: "Trifft dieser Angriff einen Gegner trifft, [...]" should be "Trifft dieser Angriff einen Gegner, [...]".
- Mark of Fury: "For [..] seconds, whenever you or any of your allies successfully hit target foe, that ally gains 1 strike of adrenaline." is translated with "[..] Sekunden lang der Verbündete (bzw. Ihr selbst) Ihr jedes Mal, wenn Ihr oder einer Eurer Verbündeten den Gegner erfolgreich trifft, 1 Adrenalinstoß." but it should be "[..] Sekunden lang erhält der Verbündete (bzw. Ihr selbst) jedes Mal, wenn Ihr oder einer Eurer Verbündeten den Gegner erfolgreich trifft, 1 Adrenalinstoß."
- Mark of Insecurity: "[...] mit denen der Gegner ist [...]" should be "[...] mit denen der Gegner belegt ist [...]".
- Purge Conditions: As "Purge" isn't an imperative but an indicative, the translation of the skill's name should better be "Zustände reinigen" and not "Reinigt Zustände".
- Rending Sweep is translated with "Zerreißende Schwung" but it should be "Zerreißender Schwung"
- Steelfang Slash is translated with "Hieb des stählernen Fanzahns" but it should be "Hieb des stählernen Fangzahns"
- Quickening Zephyr: The created spirit is called "Geist des beflügelnden Zephyrs" but the skill itself is called "Geist des beschleunigenden Zephyrs"
- Critical Eye: It should be: "x Sekunden lang habt ihr eine um y% höhere Chance, ....". Right now it sounds like the critical hit chance is set to y% not increased by that amount.
- "I Meant to Do That!": "If you are knocked down[...]" is translated "Wenn Ihr zu Boden geworfen werdet[...]". It should be "Wenn Ihr zu Boden geworfen wurdet[...]", because it triggers only while you are knocked down and not before.
Allied and hostile NPCs
- Chios is displayed as "Chios [Kaufmannl]"
- Tolkano: "Buy Tournament Tokens" is translated with "Turniertmarken kaufen"
- Tormented Soul in Gate of Secrets: "Balthasar, Euer Diener ruft Euch. Holt mih endlich fort von diesem Ort!" (missing "c": "mich")
Wrong or missing translations
- Character selection screen: "Don't miss out on our" is translated with "Verpasst es nicht", correct: "Verpasst nicht unsere"
- Gladiator Title Track: The German Text shows still the old explication, where you got one Point Every Ten Kills. It should be changed to something like "Einen Gladiatorenpunkt erhaltet ihr, wenn ihr in den Teamarenen oder in den Zufallsarenen fünf Siege in Folge erzielt. Für jede wiederum darauf erlangten fünf Siege in Folge erhaltet ihr nochmals zusätzlich einen Punkt, höchstens jedoch vier."
Ooze Pit: On the Minimap, the description for the pressure plates ("A pressure plate.") is not translated.
- Critical Agility: The extended Duration, depending on your rank of Critical Strikes, is missing.
- Cry of Pain: should be "in dem Bereich" instead of "in der Nähe"
- Guardian: "For [number] seconds [...]" is translated to "5 Sekunden lang [...]", correct: "[number] Sekunden lang [...]"
- Seed of Life: current translation does not mention the bonus of Divine Favor and also leaves out the verb. Correct translation: "Während der nächsten X Sekunden werden alle Gruppenmitglieder um 2 Lebenspunkte pro Rang in Gunst der Götter, wenn der Verbündeter Schaden erleidet."
- Cure Hex: Wrong translation. Should be "Verhexung heilen" instead of "Heilungsverhexung".
Balthazar's Spirit: "[...] adrenaline and Energy [...]" is inaccurate and should be "[...] adrenaline and 1 Energy point [...]. Just as in German: "[...] Adrenalin und Energiepunkte" should then be "[...] Adrenalinpunkte und 1 Energiepunkt".Healing Seed: should be translated with "[...] wann immer er Schaden erleidet [...]" instead of "[...] wenn sie Schaden erleiden [...]" to make clear that it just triggers when target ally takes damage.Mend Ailment, Mend Condition, Purge Conditions, Restore Condition: The list of conditions in the brackets is incomplete (in english: "Cracked Armor"; in german: "Cracked Armor", "Burning" and "Weakness"). Instead of listing all conditions it would be better to just say "condition" though.Scourge Enchantment: Translation is misleading. Should be "30 Sekunden lang erleidet der Wirker jedes Mal, wenn er den Zielgegner mit einer Verzauberung belegt, [..] Punkte Schaden."
* Smiter's Boon: Attribute is translated with Healing Prayers instead of Smiting Prayers.
Healer's Boon: Old skill descriptionDismiss Condition: You can't suffer (german: "leiden") from a enchantment, correct: "wenn er unter der Auswirkung einer Verzauberung steht"
"Victory is Mine!": Translation "[...] unter dem ein Feind leidet" is incorrect and should be "[...] unter dem der anvisierte Feind leidet."Galrath Slash: Missing "+". It should be "Bei einem Treffer fügt dieser Angriff +[x] Punkte Schaden zu."Silverwing Slash: Missing "+". It should be "Bei einem Treffer fügt dieser Angriff +[x] Punkte Schaden zu."Steady Stance: The energy bonus is missing. "[...] you gain X strikes of adrenaline and Y Energy instead" -> "[...]erhaltet Ihr [...] [X] Adrenalinstöße." (correct: "[...] erhaltet Ihr [...] stattdessen [X] Adrenalinstöße und [Y] Energiepunkte.")
Dust Trap: translation is totally wrong, a correct translation would be "Wird Staubfalle aktiviert, werden während der nächsten 5 Sekunden alle Feinde in der Nähe pro Sekunde [..] Sekunden lang geblendet und erleiden [..] Punkte Schaden. [...]"Heal as One: "If you or your animal companion are [...], you are both healed for [..] Health." is translated with "Wenn sowohl Eure als auch die Lebenspunkte Eures Tiergefährten [...] werdet Ihr beide [..] um Lebenspunkte geheilt." but should be "Wenn Eure oder die Lebenspunkte Eures Tiergefährten [...] werdet Ihr beide um [..] Lebenspunkte geheilt."Melandru's Arrows: Arrows always cause Bleeding. So a correct translation: "18 Sekunden lang verursachen Eure Pfeiltreffer eine [x] Sekunden lange Blutung und sofern das Ziel mit einer Verzauberung belegt ist, [y] Punkte mehr Schaden."Barrage has now the description of Call of Haste and vice versa
- Weaken Armor: Since the update, the description is "5...17...20 Sekunden lang hat der Gegner einen Rüstungsmalus von 0 gegen Physischen Schaden". the number 20 got replaced with a 0. Instead, it should be "5...17...20 Sekunden lang hat der Gegner eine Beschädigte Rüstung.
- Oppressive Gaze: Skill description since an update was not changed. It should be "...Entzieht allen Gegnern, die unter Schwäche leiden, und deren Lebenspunkte unter 50% sind, bis zu 15...39...45 Lebenspunkte.
Fetid Ground: "If that foe is knocked down [...]" is translated with "Wird er zu Boden geworfen [...]" but it should be "Liegt er am Boden [...]"Jagged Bones: "[...] whenever target undead servant dies [...]" is correctly translated with "[...] jedes Mal, wenn der von Euch anvisierte untote Diener stirbt [...]". But the servant can die only once, so the description is wrong in both languages.Meekness: Skill description does not mention the Area of Effect this skill actually has: "[...] greift der Gegner um 50% langsamer an.", correct: "[...] greifen der Gegner und alle Feinde in dem Bereich um 50% langsamer an."Verata's Sacrifice: Wrong translation of:"[...]If this Spell is[...]instantly recharges.". Correct translation: "[...]Wenn dieser Zauber erfolgreich ist und ihr 3 oder weniger Diener kontrolliert, wird Verratas Opfer sofort wieder aufgeladen"
Mirror of Disenchantment: does not make clear that foes of the same party loose the same enchantment. Correct translation: "[...] verlieren ebenfalls dieselbe Verzauberung"Shame: Currently "[...] auf einen Verbündeten", better would be "[...] auf seinen Verbündeten", to make it clear it's a foe's ally
Death's Charge: "Shadow Step to target foe" does not mean "Schattenschritt, um den Gegner auszuwählen" (like it is translated) but "Schattenschritt zum ausgewählten Gegner".Death's Retreat: Same mistake like at Death's Charge; should be "Schattenschritt zum ausgewählten Verbündeten."Siphon Strength: "target foe" is translated with "der berührte Gegner" but it should be "der Gegner".Temple Strike: A better translation would be something like "Schläfenstoß" instead of "Tempel Stoß" (as you do not hit a building)
Attuned Was Songkai: "[...] -x% of the base Energy [...]" is translated with "[...] bis zu -x% weniger Basisenergie". But it should be " x% weniger Basisenergie". Else it would cost more than before and not always exactly x%, but also less.Flesh of My Flesh: "[...] Belebt den Verbündeten (bzw. Euch selbst) mit Euren aktuellen [...]" - you cannot resurrect yourselfSignet of Binding: "Target allied summoned creature [...]" is translated with "Die herbeigerufene Kreatur [...]". It should be "Die verbündete herbeigerufene Kreatur [...]".Signet of Ghostly Might: "Target allied summoned creature's attacks [...]" should be translated with "Die Angriffe der verbündeten herbeigerufenen Kreatur [...]".Spirit of Fury: target foe takes 0 damage in German instead of 5..17 ("Gegner erleidet 0 Schaden")Summon Spirits: spirits gain 0 Health in German instead of 40..88. ("[...] und erhalten 0 Lebenspunkte.")Spirit Burn: "...Spirit Burn causes burning for 1...3 second(s)." is translated "...führt Geisterbrand +1...+3 Sekunde(n) lang zu brennen. The plus-sign should be removed, as it is needless and also confusing, maybe leading to think that the target has to burn already to get an additional timeframe of burning.Offering of Spirit: " If any Spirits are within earshot, you do not sacrifice Health." That part is missing in German.
Anthem of Guidance: "the next attack Skill" is translated with "die nächste Fertigkeit" but should be "die nächste Angriffsfertigkeit".
Eremite's Attack: translation says: "[...] fügt Ihr jedem umstehenden Feind [...]" but correct is "[...] fügt Ihr für jeden umstehenden Feind [...]"Fleeting Stability: In English you are just knocked down but in German you are knocked down for 4 secondsEbon Dust Aura: translation means that you need a "Ice-Weapon" but you need an Earth-Weapon.
- Rebel Yell: German descriptions states fire damage, but it's Charr damage
- Radiation Field: German description states that the player suffers from Disease instead of foes!
- Club of a Thousand Bears: "[...] +[number] damage for each adjacent foe [...]" is translated with "[...] +[number] Schaden zu [...]", correct would be "+[number] Schaden pro umstehenden Feind [...]"
- "You Are All Weaklings!": "[...] target foe [...]" is translated with "[...] berührte Gegner [...]", but the foe doesn't need to be touched
- A Touch of Guile: "cannot attack" is wrongly translated with "kann nicht angegriffen werden.", which means the enemy cannot be attacked.
Allied and hostile NPCs
Zendeht at Gate of Torment is incorrectly named "Tohn" in the German translation - but Tohn is the name of the trainer in Kamadan.
- Hero control panel Account tab, Qualifier points popup: "1v1" was translated to "2-gg.-1", correct "1-gg.-1"
- Lightbringer: "Vanquishing Lightbringer" is still translated with the German version of "Conquering Commander"
- Calling (effects): "I have [effect] on me!" is tranlated with "Ich bin mit "[effect]" belegt!"
Better translation: "Ich bin mit [effect] belegt!" (no quotation marks)
Displaying errors
- Login Screen: "Hide UI" is translated to "Interface ausblenden" but there is not enough room to display "ausblenden"
- Character selection screen: "Sortieren:" is much too long for the space reserved for "Sort:"
/age emote: After beeing over one hour in an instance, the number of minutes uses the same value as the hours. Examples: "1 hour 34 minutes" -> "1 Stunde und 1 Minute"; "2 hours 27 minutes" -> "2 Stunden und 2 Minuten"