User:Endrosz/noteworthy updates 2007
Update - Thursday February 1, 2007[edit]
Heroes' Ascent[edit]
Skill Balance Changes[edit]
Permanent Change:
- The "evade" mechanic has been removed from the game. All skills that used this mechanic have been changed to use "block" instead.
Temporary Change for this Weekend's Testing Event:
- Weakness now causes -1 to all attributes.
Update - Tuesday February 6, 2007[edit]
- Added lip-syncing to all cinematic sequences in the Prophecies campaign.
- Added lip-syncing to all cinematic sequences in the Factions campaign.
Update - Wednesday February 14, 2007[edit]
- Added an option to the Hero Control panel that forces Heroes to drop the currently carried bundle. This option is mainly useful for forcing Ritualist Heroes to drop urns created by skills.
- You can now use miniatures in towns and outposts. Only 20 miniatures can be used at a time per district.
Update - Thursday, April 5[edit]
Pet Controls[edit]
- The Pet Control panel may be accessed by pressing the button next to the pet’s name in the Party panel.
- The Pet Control panel displays a pet's name, portrait, command buttons, and Health Bar.
- Pets can be instructed to "attack," "guard," and "heel" through the use of the panels' command buttons.
Skills Template Interface[edit]
- Added an interface to allow players to link template codes into chat. This interface can be accessed through the new Template Codes option in the template menu.
- Clicking a template code link will bring up the new interface, which will allow other players to view the linked template and its template code. They can then choose to save or apply this template directly through the interface window.
Update - Thursday April 19, 2007[edit]
Hard Mode[edit]
Hard mode has been introduced for the Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall campaigns. Players who have completed a campaign can now try playing it again in Hard mode for the ultimate challenge. By playing the game in Hard mode, players can find new treasures and earn new titles and rewards.
Now that players can choose their difficulty level, we've adjusted monster AI in Normal mode to present a more moderate challenge. The most advanced and difficult monster behaviors are now reserved for Hard mode.
Accessing Hard Mode[edit]
- To gain access to a campaign's Hard mode, you must win the final mission for that campaign in Normal mode.
- Once you win a campaign with any character on your account, every level 20 character on that same account will have access to Hard mode for that campaign.
- All Hard mode content is intended for level 20 characters. All monsters are at least level 20, and all henchmen who are below level 20 are automatically promoted to level 20 when taken into Hard mode.
Hard Mode Loot[edit]
- The average number of uncommon and rare items has been increased in Hard mode.
- While in Hard mode, the number of gemstones that players receive from chests after defeating each region of the Domain of Anguish has been doubled.
- Elite and non-elite Skill Tomes have been introduced into the game. You can acquire these new items by defeating creatures while in Hard mode.
- There is a non-elite Skill Tome that corresponds with each of the ten professions. You may use a Skill Tome to learn any non-elite skill associated with that Tome's correlated profession if that skill is unlocked on your account. Non-elite Skill Tomes may be obtained from any normal creature in Hard mode.
- There is an Elite Skill Tome that corresponds with each of the ten professions. You may use a Skill Tome to learn any elite skill associated with that Tome's correlated profession if that skill is unlocked on your account. Elite Skill Tomes may be obtained from any boss creature in Hard mode.
Vanquisher Title[edit]
- A new Vanquisher title track has been added for Tyria, Cantha, and Elona. These titles will keep track of which explorable areas have been vanquished in a given campaign's Hard mode.
- A new Legendary Vanquisher title track has been added. This title keeps track of the number of campaigns a player has successfully vanquished.
- Once an explorable area has been vanquished in Hard mode, players will receive gold equal to three times the number of creatures defeated, and experience equal to five times the number of creatures defeated.
- Some explorable areas have regions that are blocked off to players until the associated mission has been completed. It is recommended that players complete the mission before trying to vanquish the explorable area of the same name.
- In Hard Mode, if all party members of a group are dead and at 60% Death Penalty, they will be returned to the outpost instead of being resurrected.
Guardian Title[edit]
- A Guardian title track has been added for Tyria, Cantha, and Elona. These titles are the Hard mode version of the existing mission completion titles.
- A Legendary Guardian title track has been added. This title keeps track of how many Protector and Guardian titles a player has accumulated throughout Tyria, Cantha, and Elona.
- Your characters can now acquire lockpicks. These new, special items can be found in Hard mode and may also be purchased from any merchant (with the exception of those found in Pre-Searing Ascalon).
- The chance to retain a lockpick upon opening a chest is determined by the following formula: (Character level / 2) + (3 * Treasure Hunter ranks) + (2 * Lucky ranks)(%).
- In Normal mode, chests have built-in bonuses that make them easier to open than chests in Hard mode.
- Lockpicks may be used to open any locked chest in Normal mode, but they are a requirement for opening any chests in Hard mode.
Alternate Elite Mission Access[edit]
- Bosses in Hard mode now drop Underworld and Fissure of Woe Passage Scrolls. These scrolls allow a party to enter these realms even if their territory does not have the favor of the gods.
- The Kurzick Bureaucrat [Faction Rewards] in House zu Heltzer now offers Passage Scrolls into Urgoz's Warren. Players may exchange 1,000 Kurzick faction to obtain one of these scrolls, which will transport one person to the outpost.
- The Luxon Scavenger [Faction Rewards] in Cavalon now offers Passage Scrolls into the Deep. Players may exchange 1,000 Luxon faction to obtain one of these scrolls, which will transport one person to the outpost.
UI Updates[edit]
- Added a Template Code panel to simplify template sharing. This panel can be accessed by clicking the disc-shaped icon in the Skills and Attributes panel
- Loot now scales according to party size.
- Repeated map entry no longer reduces loot.
Update - Friday, April 20, 2007[edit]
Loot Changes[edit]
- Adjusted the following items so that they are now exempt from loot scaling:
- Skill Tomes
- Scrolls
- Dye
- Rare materials, such as Ectoplasm
- Gemstones from the Domain of Anguish
- All other rare (gold) items
- All unique (green) items
- Special event items
Update - Thursday, May 24, 2007[edit]
Help Panel[edit]
Players can now access a Help panel by pressing F10 on their keyboard or by typing /help. This new panel contains links to the official Guild Wars Wiki,where players can both obtain and contribute information about their current quests, skills, locations, and guilds.
- The /help emote has changed to /helpme. /help is now used to open the Help panel.
- Typing /wiki into the Chat panel opens the front page of the wiki, while typing /wiki followed by a word or phrase searches the entire wiki for that content. (Please note that there is only an English language wiki available at this time.)
Update - Thursday, May 24, 2007[edit]
Automated Tournaments[edit]
- Players can now speak with Tolkano [Tournament] to spend their Tournament Reward Points on various armor and weapon skins.
Update 1 - Friday, June 15, 2007[edit]
PvE Skills[edit]
We will be evaluating these new skills over the course of the next week. It is likely that we will make play balance adjustments to them during that time.
Players can now acquire twenty new PvE-only skills. There are ten Sunspear skills (one for each profession), and ten Kurzick/Luxon skills (one for each profession).
- To acquire a Sunspear skill, talk to a Sunspear Hero Skill Trainer. Each skill costs 1 Hero skill point. Sunspear skills become more powerful the higher your rank in the Sunspear title track. You must have at least rank 1 in this title track to learn any Sunspear skills.
- Sunspear Hero skill trainers will now convert normal skill points to Hero skill points for a 1 platinum fee.
- To acquire a Kurzick or Luxon skill, talk to a Faction Reward NPC. Each skill costs 3,000 faction points. Kurzick/Luxon skills become more powerful the higher your rank in the corresponding title track. You must have at least rank 1 in the Kurzick/Luxon title track to learn any Kurzick/Luxon skills.
Targeting Refinements[edit]
- Offensive skills and attacks will now identify a valid target on screen if you have no target selected.
- Outside of combat, it is now possible to interact with adjacent NPCs and items with no target selected.
- Teams in Daily GvG Tournaments now require only 4 guild members instead of the previous 8.
Update - Friday, June 22, 2007[edit]
Guild Wars Wiki Notes[edit]
- Gold Charr Salvage Kits now drop in pre-Searing. They are the equivalent of a 5 use Expert Salvage Kit
Update - Tuesday, July 17, 2007[edit]
Party Search[edit]
- Whenever a party enters Party Search, an automatic message will now broadcast to players in that party’s current district. For example, if Flamingo Avenger sets “glf monk” as the party’s description in the Party Search panel, “Flamingo Avenger: Party Search – glf monk” will appear in the Chat panel of players in the same district as Flamingo Avenger.
- Whenever a party leader broadcasts “glf,” “lfg,” lfp,” “wtb,” “wts,” or “wtt” in All chat, that party will now be entered into Party Search automatically with that chat message used as the party's description.
Update - Thursday, August 09, 2007[edit]
Favor of the Gods Changes[edit]
To ensure that all territories share in the Favor of the Gods together, we have made several modifications to the Favor system.
- The Favor of the Gods has been changed from a territory-based PvP reward system to a globally based PvE reward system.
Update - Monday, August 13, 2007[edit]
This was an undocumented update
GuildWarsWiki Notes[edit]
- This update temporarily disabled the reconnect feature in the game to prevent further exploitation of a trade bug that allowed players to duplicate items using reconnection.
Update - Thursday, August 23, 2007[edit]
Territory and District UI Changes[edit]
- Travel between European and American districts is now available through the District List and the map travel dialog panel.
- The Change Territory button has been removed from the Edit Account panel in the Character Selection Screen.
- The District List and the map travel district menu have been updated to include a "More Options" button. Selecting this button opens a new dialog panel for travel to districts divided by territory and language.
- This panel also allows you to choose which numbered district to travel to, instead of automatically taking you to the active district.
- Players will now log in to the territory and language of the last outpost they visited.
Update - Friday, August 31, 2007[edit]
The Far Shiverpeaks Await![edit]
- Guild Wars: Eye of the North is compatible with each of the three campaigns in the Guild Wars franchise (Guild Wars, Guild Wars Factions, and Guild Wars Nightfall).
Hall of Monuments[edit]
Players who travel to the Eye of the North now have access to a personalized Hall of Monuments that will contain the following five special monuments used to commemorate character accomplishments earned across all Guild Wars campaigns:
- Honor – The Monument to Honor displays a character’s title-related accomplishments and major PvE achievements, such as completing a campaign or elite mission. Character-based titles must be maximum rank to be displayed. The restrictions for account-based titles vary by title.
- Resilience – The Monument to Resilience displays all Ascended armor sets acquired by a character. To display a new armor set, the character must have the coat, leggings, gloves, and boots for that set.
- Valor – The Monument to Valor displays all Eye of the North end-game weapons acquired by a character. Displaying a weapon customizes it so that only that specific character may use that weapon.
- Devotion – The Monument to Devotion can display any miniatures collected by a character. Displaying a miniature customizes it so that only that specific character may use that miniature.
- Fellowship – The Monument to Fellowship displays a character’s Heroes and animal companions. In order to register a Hero on this monument, that Hero must have at least one armor upgrade. In order to register an animal companion, the animal companion must be level 20.
Update - Thursday, September 27, 2007[edit]
Anti-Griefing Measures[edit]
To help counteract undesirable PvP behavior, a Dishonorable Combatant system has been added to the game and a series of Arena time limit changes have been put into effect. In addition to these measures, we will be evaluating a new Report Command feature from September 28th to the 30th, after which it will be disabled pending further testing.
Dishonorable Combatant System[edit]
To discourage experience and faction leeching, intentional stalling of arena matches, and leaving matches in Random Arena, Alliance Battles, the Jade Quarry, and Fort Aspenwood before they are complete, a Dishonorable Combatant penalty system has been put into effect.
Dishonor points affect game types that have randomly formed teams such as Random Arenas, Alliance Battles, and Competitive Missions.
- An account may be given dishonor points for leaving a PvP match prematurely, for leeching experience or faction, or for falsely reporting teammates for leeching.
- Players who leave a PvP match prematurely will receive 5 dishonor points.
- If a player is reported for leeching, that player will receive 2 dishonor points for each report against him. Players who report a team member for leeching without a third of their team also reporting that player will also receive 2 dishonor points.
- Any account that has accumulated 10 or more dishonor points is given the Dishonorable status, which is displayed as a buff icon on screen. While affected by this status, no characters present on that account may enter any PvP missions.
- The Dishonorable status remains in effect for 1 minute for each accumulated dishonor point. This status cannot be removed by logging out or changing characters.
- When the duration of the Dishonorable status has expired, characters on that account may once again join PvP missions.
- Dishonor points will remain on the player's account for a total of 60 minutes. If further dishonor points are acquired during this period, that account is once again given the Dishonorable status, though for a longer period of time.
- To clear dishonor points from an account, a player must go 60 minutes without accumulating any new dishonor points.
Arena Time Limit Changes[edit]
To discourage players from deliberately trying to prolong Team Arena and Random Arena matches unnecessarily, the following changes are now in effect:
- Standard Annihilation matches now have a time limit of 8 minutes.
- Priest Annihilation matches now have a time limit of 12 minutes.
- When a match’s designated time limit expires, the team with the highest total morale will be declared the winner. In Priest Annihilation maps, if both teams have equal morale but only one team has a live Priest, the team with the Priest will be declared the winner. If neither of these tie-breakers applies, both teams will lose the match.
Update - Friday, October 12, 2007[edit]
Report Command[edit]
Players can now use the /report command to report other players for inappropriate or anti-social behavior.
- Targeting a player and typing /report or /report followed by a player's name will open a new report dialog panel. From this panel, you can report a chosen player for leeching, botting, spamming, using abusive language, or having an inappropriate character name. Reports will then be relayed and reviewed by the Guild Wars Support team.
- You can report a player for leeching if you’re in the same Random Arena, Alliance Battle, or Competitive Mission as that player. If at least half your team reports the same player for leeching, that player will be stripped of XP and faction rewards for the battle. See the "Dishonorable Combatant System" section below for more details. Note that you can only report members of your own party or team for leeching.
- Reports of botting, spamming, abusive language, and inappropriate character names will be relayed to and reviewed by the Guild Wars Support team. Note that reporting a single player multiple times for the same offense will not expedite or influence support team attention.
- A single account cannot use the /report command more than 50 times in a 24-hour period.
= Update - Thursday, October 25, 2007[edit]
- Costume Brawl: Forced character build.
Update - Thursday, November 29, 2007[edit]
Bonus Mission Pack[edit]
The Bonus Mission Pack has been enabled for those players who made qualifying purchases in the online store during the Bonus Mission Pack promotion.
- To access the Bonus Mission Pack missions, speak to Durmand [Historian] in any of the major port cities: Lion's Arch, Kaineng Center, or Kamadan.
- For each mission, you will receive a book that tells the story leading up to the mission, along with any weapons your character will use during that mission.
- To launch the mission, equip any provided weapons and click the "enter mission" button found inside the story book.
- The Bonus Mission Pack missions are all single player adventures where you play as the characters from each story book. You will become that character for the duration of the mission and your normal skill bar will be replaced with that character's set of skills.
- Upon completing a Bonus Mission Pack mission, you will be returned to the port city you were in previously or to your character's home port city. Your story book will have three new pages added at this point, summarizing the events that occurred during the mission as well as the effect those events had on the Guild Wars world.
- You can take completed books back to Durmand to have the stories authorized. You can then trade in authorized stories to one of the four story scribes (located next to Durmand in each port city) for a customized weapon from the historic period you witnessed during the mission. However, you will no longer be able to keep the book in your Xunlai storage once it has been authorized.
- Completing each mission also unlocks “Discovery Mode” for that mission, adding three hidden, bonus goals for you to discover. For each bonus goal you complete, Durmand will give any one character on your account an additional authorized story. The additional stories can only be earned once for each account.
Update - Thursday, December 6, 2007[edit]
Guild Hall[edit]
- Festival Hat Keeper: gives guild members access to an NPC who can remember and reproduce special festival hats they have acquired.