User:Lancy1214/Ritualist Skills/Communing
An attribute line completely dependable upon your current Spawning Power rank -- most Binding Rituals are linked to the Communing attribute -- and can cause creatures to take-on certain aspects of the Spirit-type. Communing also includes several anti-caster skills and several offensive, defensive and supportive weapon spells and binding rituals. Fortifies the role of the ritualist in Guild Wars and promotes active use of their binding rituals.
Binding Rituals[edit]
10 2
- (Communing) - Elite Binding Ritual. "Create a level 1...12...15 Spirit. Non-spirit allies cannot be the target of hexes while earshot of Soul Twisting. Soul Twisting dies after preventing 2...4...5 hex attempts. Soul Twisting dies after 6 seconds." For every 3 ranks in Spawning Power, Soul Twisting lasts 1 second longer.
0 2
- (Communing) - Elite Signet. Creates three level 1...10...12 Spirits (60 seconds lifespan). These Spirits deal 5...21...25 with attacks.
- Non-Elites
10 1
- (Communing) - Binding Ritual. "Create a level 1...8...10 Spirit. Every 3 seconds, non-spirit foe within earshot of Earthbind are crippled at random for 3...7...8 seconds. Knockdown foes earshot of Earthbind are crippled for 3...7...8 seconds. When Earthbind dies, all earshot foes are crippled for 3...7...8 seconds. Earthbind dies after 12 seconds." For every 3 ranks in Spawning Power, Earthbind lasts 3 seconds longer.
15 1
- (Communing) - Binding Ritual. "Create a level 1...8...10 Spirit. Foes earshot of Disenchantment lose 1 enchantment when activating a skill. Disenchantment removes one enchantment from each earshot foe when it dies. Disenchantment dies after 6 seconds." For every 3 ranks in Spawning Power, Disenchantment lasts 2 seconds longer.
15 2
- (Communing) - Binding Ritual. "Create a level 1...8...10 Spirit. It's attacks deals 5...17...20 damage and any non-attacking foes action are interrupted. If interrupted foe was casting a spell or chant, it is Dazed for 1...5...6 seconds. Dissonance interrupts all earshot foes when it dies. Dissonance dies after 6 seconds." For every 3 ranks in Spawning Power, Dissonance lasts 2 seconds longer.
10 1
- (Communing) - Binding Ritual. "Create a level 1...8...10 Spirit. It's attacks deal 5...17...20 damage and cause Blindness for 1...5...6 seconds. Also blinds adjacent foes. When Shadowsong dies, all earshot foes are blinded for 1...5...6 seconds. Shadowsong dies after 6 seconds." For every 3 ranks in Spawning Power, Shadowsong lasts an additional 2 seconds.
Pain -
5 1
- (Communing) - Binding Ritual. "Create a level 1...10...12 Spirit. It's attacks deal 2...28...35 damage and cause Cracked Armor for 1...5...6 seconds. When Pain dies, all earshot foes are cracked armor for 1...5...6 seconds. Pain dies after 10 seconds." For every 3 ranks in Spawning Power, Pain lasts 2 seconds longer.
Anguish -
25 1
- (Communing) - Binding Ritual. Create a level 1...10...12 Spirit. It's attacks deal 5...17...20 damage. Also hits two foes near target foe and deals double damage if Anquished stikes a hexed foe. Anguish dies after 20 seconds. For every 3 ranks in Spawning Power, Anguish lasts 3 seconds longer.
Doom -
15 1
- (Communing) - Binding Ritual. "Create a level 1...8...10 Spirit. Non-primary attributes of enchanted foes in range of Doom are reduced by 0...2...2. Whenever an enchantment ends, all enchanted foes suffer from weakness for 1...5...6 seconds. Doom dies after 6 seconds." For every 3 ranks in Spawning Power, Doom lasts 1 second longer.
Soothing -
15 2
- (Communing) - Binding Ritual. "Create a level 1...8...10 Spirit. Foes in Soothing's range take twice as long to build Adrenaline and attack skills take an additional +3...7...8 seconds to recharge. Soothing dies after 6 seconds." For every 3 ranks in Spawning Power, Soothing lasts 1 second longer.
Union -
15 1
- (Communing) - Binding Ritual. "Create a level 1...8...10 Spirit. Damage or life steal taken by non-spirit allies within Union's range are reduced by 5...17...20. Hexed allies gain damage reduction 30 instead. Union dies after 6 seconds." For every 3 ranks in Spawning Power, Union lasts 1 second longer.
10 2
- (Communing) - Binding Ritual. "Create a level 1...8...10 Spirit. Non-spirit allies within Displacement's earshot gain 20...44...50% chance to block incoming attacks. Hexed allies gain 75% chance to block instead. Displacement dies after 6 seconds." For every 3 ranks in Spawning Power, - Displacement lasts 1 second longer.
Shelter -
10 2
- (Communing) - Binding Ritual. "Create a level 1...8...10 Spirit. Non-spirit allies within Shelter's earshot cannot lose more than 25...13...10% maximum health from an damage source. Hexed allies gain 5% maximum health lose instead. Shelter dies after 6 seconds." For every 3 ranks in Spawning Power, Shelter lasts 1 second longer.
10 2
- (Communing) Binding Ritual. Creates a level 1...8...10 Spirit. "The next 1...2...2 times party members within earshot receive fatal damage, the damage is negated and party members are healed for 15...103...125 Health. Restoration resurrects one random earshot party member with 5% Health and 5% Energy for each second this spirit was alive. (Party members resurrected in this manner are restored to life at your location and Restoration dies.) Restoration dies after 10 seconds." For every 3 ranks in Spawning Power, Restoration lasts 2 seconds longer.
Bundle Item Spells[edit]
- -A-
Tranquil Was Tanasen -
- -A-
10 1
- (Communing) - Elite Item Spell. "Hold Tanasen's ashes for up to 5...11...12 seconds. While you Hold his ashes, you gain 10...22...25 armor, +10...34...40 maximum Energy and cannot be interrupted. When you drop his ashes, party members and spirits within earshot absorb the next 80...336...400 damage, divided equally among allies (10 seconds)."
- See Shield of Saint Viktor.
- -B-
Tranquil Was Tanasen -
- -B-
10 1
- (Communing) - Elite Item Spell. (5...11...12 seconds.) You have 5...17...20 base damage reduction and cannot be interrupted while casting Ritualist Skills. Drop Effect: all hostile spells and attacks against spirits in the area fail (1...5...6 seconds) and all damage these spirits take are reduced to 0.
- See Aegis (PvP).
- -C-
Tranquil Was Tanasen -
- -C-
10 1
- (Communing) - Elite Item Spell. (5...11...12 seconds.) You have 5...17...20 base damage reduction and cannot be interrupted while casting Ritualist Skills. Drop Effect: party members and spirits within earshot absorb the next 80...336...400 damage, divided equally among allies (10 seconds)."
- Non-Elites
5 2
- (Communing) - Item Spell. (15...51...60 seconds.) You have +15 armor and +30 maximum Energy. Drop Effect: Spirits you control Shadow Step to your location.
Weapon Spells[edit]
10 1
- (Communing) - Elite Weapon Spell. (5...21...25 seconds.) Spells activate and recharge 33% faster. Binding Rituals activate and recharge 15...51...60% faster.
- Non-Elites
15 1
- (Communing) - Weapon Spell. (5...13...15 seconds.) Cannot be the target of weapon spells. Removes ability to land a critical hit. Reduces damage by 1...12...15. No effect if target foe is under the effects of a Weapon Spell.
10 1
- (Communing) - Weapon Spell. (15...39...45 seconds.) Target ally's attacks deal +5...13...15 damage. No effect while target ally is enchanted.
10 1
- (Communing) - Weapon Spell. (3...7...8 seconds.) You and target foe cannot be the target of Weapon Spells. Target is immune to Enchantments, Hexes and Conditions (except Burning)." No effect unless spirits are within earshot.
10 1
- (Communing) - Weapon Spell. (5...10...11 seconds.) Target ally's attack(s) cannot be blocked. No effect unless spirits are within earshot.
5 1
- (Communing) - Weapon Spell. (4...9...10 seconds.) Target ally's next 3 attacks have 10% armor penetration and cause Cracked Armor for 5...17...20 seconds. No effect unless spirits are within earshot.
5 ¼
- (Communing) - Weapon Spell. (3 seconds.) Target ally has a Vital Weapon that redirects 75% of the damage to you. The damage you receive this way is reduced by 5...33...40. Cannot self-target.
Hex Spells[edit]
- Non-Elites
15 1
- (Communing) - Hex Spell. (5...13...15 seconds.) Hex Spell. Also hexes foes adjacent to your target (5...13...15 seconds). Removes ability to land a critical hit. Reduces damage by 1...12...15.
10 1
- (Communing) - Hex Spell. Also hexes foes near your target. (3 seconds.) These foes move 90% slower and takes 1...24...30 damage each second while moving.
0 ¼
- (Communing) - Elite Signet. Gain control of all earshot spirits. (5...9...10 seconds.) Spirits you control within earshot attack 33% faster. Also deals +5...9...10 damage. (Maximum 1 spirit within earshot, plus 1 additional controlled spirit for every 3 ranks of Spawning Power you have.) This signet recharges instantly if you control only one spirit.
0 1
- (Communing) - Elite Signet. Target allied summoned creature deals +5...29...35 damage. That creature is destroyed after 10 seconds. If destroyed creature was a Spirit, you create a level 1...8...10 Spirit of Ghostly Might (10 second lifespan) that uses the Anguish (attack) skill.
0 1
- (Communing) - Elite Signet. Gain control of all earshot spirits. (5...29...35 seconds). Spirits you control within earshot attack 33% faster and deal 5...17...20 additional damage.
- Non-Elites
0 1
- (Communing) - Signet. (5...17...20 seconds.) Your spirits within earshot take 20...44...50% less damage and health loss. They are immune to burning and critical attacks.
0 1
- (Communing) - Signet. You gain control of target spirit. (5...17...20 seconds.) That spirit gains +50...170...200 maximum Health and cannot be the target of skills that destroys spirits. You lose 200...80...50 Health.