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Hero Battles Arena Bombardment icon.jpg
Region Vabbi
Victory condition First to reach 20 points
Party size 1 + 3 heroes
Allowed levels 20
Priest/Obelisk No
Effect None

A proving ground located near the battle islands, this wide coliseum is used to demonstrate the latest in Elonian technology, including the Vabbian Bombard.


Bombardment sports a powerful Siege Cannon Shrine far in the east, which deals 100 armor-ignoring damage to all foes of its owner in an area around the Center Shrine, which is in the center of the map.

Map and shrines[edit]

Hero Battle Arena Bombardment map.jpg
1. Northern Health Shrine: One morale regeneration.
2. Southern Health Shrine: One morale regeneration.
3. Center Shrine: Two morale regeneration.
  • "To The Pain!": When within capture range of the Morale Shrine, players do 10% less healing and 10% more damage.
4. Siege Cannon Shrine: One morale regeneration.
  • The siege cannon fires a Siege Attack every 10 seconds dealing 100 damage in the area of the Center Shrine (3). Damage is only inflicted to the opposing team of the Siege Cannon's current owner.
5. Blue Base: Members of your party are resurrected every 30 seconds.
  • Base Protection: When in range of their own Resurrection Shrine, party members deal 50% more damage and take 50% less damage.
6. Red Base: Members of your party are resurrected every 30 seconds.
  • Base Protection: When in range of their own Resurrection Shrine, party members deal 50% more damage and take 50% less damage.


Bug Bug.The area near the East, where the cannon shrine is, does not have correct auto movement. Due to this, you run into the wall and stop if you try to run to it by hitting space.


  • The gw.dat refers to this place as "Isle of the Bombard."

  Hero Battle arenas
Outposts: Hero Battles (outpost)
Hero Battles arenas: Bombardment | Desert Sands | The Beachhead | The Crossing