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This page contains information about a Guild Wars component or feature that has been removed or replaced.
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QCT is an abbreviation for quarters casting time, a bonus that used to be achievable 4% of the time when wielding a weapon set with two HCT modifications for the same attribute. The May 21st 2010 update capped reductions on casting time to 25% (with the exception of single effects exceeding this cap), preventing further reductions through the use of weapon upgrades.


Casting time modifications stack, with each HCT for a specific attribute giving an independent chance of halving casting time. If two such modifications trigger together, the time will be reduced to 25% of the default. There are two types of HCT modifications: attribute specific ones offer a 20% chance to halve casting time for just that attribute and generic ones, that offer a 10% chance of splitting casting time for any spell.

There are several ways to create the potential for quartering casting time:

  • 4% chance from two HCT modifications of the same attribute.
  • 2% chance from one HCT attribute specific mod and one generic mod.
  • 1% chance from two generic HCT mods.


4% chance sets
  • A wand inscribed with "Aptitude not Attitude" plus a focus of the same attribute with a core of Aptitude.
    • One pair of weapons with this combination is the 40/40 set, which also has an increased chance to halve spell recharge times.
  • A staff with an Adept head and inscribed with "Aptitude not Attitude".
2% chance sets
  • A wand inscribed with "Don't Think Twice" plus a focus with a core of Aptitude.
  • A wand inscribed with "Aptitude not Attitude" plus a focus with a core of Swiftness.
  • A staff with a Swift head and inscribed with "Aptitude not Attitude".
  • A staff with an Adept head and inscribed with "Don't Think Twice".
1% chance sets
  • A wand inscribed with "Don't Think Twice" plus a focus with a core of Swiftness.
  • A staff with a Swift head and inscribed with "Don't Think Twice".

See also[edit]


  • There is no comparable QSR; reduction on recharge times is capped at 50%, so two HSR modifications triggering simultaneously still only half recharge times.
  • None of these modifications have any affect on aftercast delay.