Desert Sands

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Desert Sands
Hero Battles Arena Desert Sands icon.jpg
Region The Desolation
Victory condition first to reach 20 points
Party size 1 + 3 heroes
Allowed levels 20
Priest/Obelisk No
Effect None

This fairly compact map has the Center Shrine in the south and the other shrines in sort of a line in the north. Bridges connect the Warsong's Shrine to the other ones. An Energy Shrine is located in the east, and there is a Battle Cry Shrine to the west.

Map and shrines[edit]

Hero Battle Arena Desert Sands map.jpg
1. Battle Cry Shrine: One morale regeneration.
  • Battle Cry: Your party members move 25% faster, attack 15% faster, and skills recharge 15% faster.
2. Energy Shrine: One morale regeneration.
3. Warsong's Shrine: One morale regeneration.
  • The owner of this shrine gets a powerful Warsong Mercenary as an ally to his team. The mercenary is a level 24 Paragon, and uses Leader's Comfort and Blazing Spear. The mercenary counts towards a member of your team for capturing shrines.
4. Center Shrine: Two morale regeneration.
  • "To The Pain!": When within capture range of the Morale Shrine, players do 10% less healing and 10% more damage.
5. Red Base: Members of your party are resurrected every 30 seconds.
  • Base Protection: When in range of their own Resurrection Shrine, party members deal 50% more damage and take 50% less damage.
6. Blue Base: Members of your party are resurrected every 30 seconds.
  • Base Protection: When in range of their own Resurrection Shrine, party members deal 50% more damage and take 50% less damage.


Common tactics / tips[edit]

  • Controlling the Warsong Shrine is often important in defeating your opponent in a fight involving you, your opponent, and all of each player's heroes.
  • The Battle Cry Shrine and Energy Shrine help when it comes to small fights.
  • Note that the Center Shrine is the farthest distance away from the Warsong's Shrine. This can be a huge disadvantage or advantage, depending on how you use it.

  Hero Battle arenas
Outposts: Hero Battles (outpost)
Hero Battles arenas: Bombardment | Desert Sands | The Beachhead | The Crossing