Feedback:User/Stigtrix/Hidden Ice Lake Monster - Boss suggestion

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Hidden ice lake monster[edit]

Suggestions for a name: Nithog - a variation of the name of the Midgard Serpent from Norse mythology: "Nidhogg" This name really fits the creature, especially if you bring it back later as an undead dragon because of his abilites: "Nidhogg was a giant worm that resided near the Hvergelmir or "Roaring Kettle", one of three sacred wells. Nidhogg constantly gnaw at one of the roots of Yggdrasill ("World Tree") that supported the world, Niflheim. One of the signs that Ragnarök would arrive, when Nidhogg finally chew its way through one of the roots of Yggdrasill. In the Voluspa (Poetic Edda), Nidhogg was a dragon with wings. He would fly over the plain, carrying corpses. The great serpent enjoyed sucking on the bodies of the dead". Vermist - latin for "worm", with an added "t"

Boss intro: The players enter a cave with a hidden lake. The lake is frozen, with some weird, giant roots on random locations beneath the ice and there’s a giant treasure chest at the other side of the lake. The camera zooms on the chest and you can see it in detail: old, worn down by the climate and full of frost. The players then walk to the other side and try to open it, but it’s locked. Suddenly a fierce roar is heard. A giant monster brakes through the ice and walks slowly towards the players, leaving cracks in the ice in his path because of his weight(these cracks are not removed during the encounter). He roars even fiercer and the fight starts.

Boss mechanics: Tail: his tail knocks players down and interrupts spell-casting for X seconds, the melee players should therefore stay at his sides or beneath his belly. Sometimes, the monster will wave its tail and knock players in range back by several meters and deal damage. Ice Breath: during the fight, the monster will randomly spew ice breath on one of the players. The player will be trapped in an ice block and will need to be freed. Melee or ranged damage will break the ice and deal damage equal to 50% of the player’s health pool. If the player is freed with fire magic, the damage taken is reduced to 40%. Anyone in melee range of the player who’s freed will take 20% damage because of the shattering or no damage at all, should the player be freed by fire damage. Ferocious Bite: the monster bites one of the players and waves them around in the air before throwing them in a random direction, dealing massive damage. To avoid this, the player being bitten can hit the monster’s eye for it to drop them earlier. Dive: when the monster has 50% health left, it will break through the ice and dive down into the lake. It will then start to swim upwards and break through the ice at a player’s location. To spot the location, the players will need to watch out for a shadow below the ice. Should the monster hit a player, it will deal massive damage and immediately bite, killing the player, should he/she not hit the monster’s eye quickly to get out of the grip. Enrage: when the monster has 10% health left, it will enrage and gain icy spikes on its tail, forehead and back. The attacks are the same as in the first part of the encounter, but will deal more damage. Before enraging, players will be immobilized by fear so they don’t attack the monster before it has enraged properly. Charge: during the rage phase, the monster will target random ranged players and lower its head and charge towards them. The player who’s targeted will need to run to the side to avoid this. Should the player be near a wall, the beast will hit it and be stunned for 10 seconds, giving the group a chance to regain health or just deal damage without thinking about the mechanics.

Boss death: the boss roars in agony and dives through the ice, painting the lake red with its blood before disappearing. Did it really die? Next to the hole where the beast disappeared, a shiny key appears. The group can now open the chest and gain precious loot. A suggestion would be to let the weapons have an ice theme eg. a sword or dagger made of everlasting ice that gleams.

The return of the beast[edit]

The boss could be brought back later as an undead, summoned creature with alternated mechanics. That would be really cool and surprise players. Keep some of the core abilities and make them into dark magic variants eg: Dark Breath, but at the same time have many new abilities so it doesn't feel like a cheap boss.

New machanics Tail: his tail knocks players down and inflicts a bleed for X seconds, the melee players should therefore stay at his sides or beneath his belly. Sometimes, the monster will wave its tail and knock players in range back by several meters and deal damage. Dark Breath: during the fight, the monster will randomly spew dark breath on one of the players. The player will be cased in a dark aura and deal massive damage to nearby allies. Should a player stay within the cursed player's range for more than 5 seconds, he will be cursed too. The curse lasts for X seconds and is renewed if another player is "infected". Venomous Bite: the monster bites one of the players and waves them around in the air before throwing them in a random direction, dealing massive damage and poisoning the target. To avoid this, the player being bitten can hit the monster’s eye for it to drop them earlier. Corrupted Soil: corrupts the soil at the location of a player, cursing them and dealing damage over time. The damage is increased if the player stays in the affected area. Enrage: the monster grows a pair of bone wings, overflown with a dark aura. It spreads them and knocks players back with a gust when it flies up in the air. Dive: the monster dives down from the sky and grabs a player, then starts to bite its pray. The player will need to hit the monster's eye to to get free from its grip. During the biting phase, the monster will fly higher and higher, so that the player will get more fall damage, the slower the player reacts(hits the eye).