Skill quick reference/List of skills by related subject/S
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Causes sacrifice[edit]
See Sacrifice#Skills with sacrifice costs
Affects or checks for sacrifice by allies[edit]
Soul Reaping: Masochism (PvP)
Blood Magic: Awaken the Blood
Death Magic: Dark Aura
Affects or checks for sacrifice by foes[edit]
Smiting Prayers: Scourge Sacrifice
Shadow damage[edit]
Causes shadow damage[edit]
Blood Magic: Dark Pact, Lifebane Strike/Shadow Strike, Touch of Agony/Wallow's Bite
Curses, Defile Enchantments/Desecrate Enchantments, Feast of Corruption, Mark of Pain, Spiteful Spirit
Death Magic: Dark Aura, Deathly Chill
See also: List of shouts, #Skill
Affects or checks for shouts by allies[edit]
Tactics: Soldier's Defense, Soldier's Speed, Soldier's Stance, Soldier's Strike
Wilderness Survival: Roaring Winds
Restoration Magic: Vocal was Sogolon
Leadership: Aggressive Refrain, Blazing Finale, Burning Refrain, Enduring Harmony, Hasty Refrain, Soldier's Fury
Command: Bladeturn Refrain
Motivation: Chorus of Restoration, Energizing Chorus, Energizing Finale, Finale of Restoration, Mending Refrain, Purifying Finale
No attribute: Signet of Aggression
Affects or checks for shouts by foes[edit]
Wilderness Survival: Roaring Winds
Curses: Cacophony, Ulcerous Lungs, Vocal Minority, Well of Silence
See also: #Skill
Affects or checks for signets used by allies[edit]
Strength: Lion's Comfort
No attribute: Symbolic Strike
Beast Mastery: Primal Echoes
Divine Favor: Scribe's Insight
Domination Magic: Signet of Distraction, Unnatural Signet (PvP)
Fast Casting: Keystone Signet, Symbolic Celerity, Symbolic Posture
Inspiration Magic: Mantra of Inscriptions, Mantra of Signets
Motivation: Lyric of Purification, Lyric of Zeal
Affects or checks for signets used by foes[edit]
Beast Mastery: Primal Echoes
Domination Magic: Complicate, Ignorance, Panic
Water Magic: Icy Prism, Rust
See also: Category:Skills, #Adrenaline, #Chant, #Elite skill, #Preparation, #Recharge, #Ritual, #Shout, #Signet, #Stance, #Spell, #Trap
Affects or checks for other skills used by allies[edit]
Strength: Battle Rage, Berserker Stance, Bull's Charge, Charging Strike, Dwarven Battle Stance, Flourish, Rage of the Ntouka
Tactics: Bonetti's Defense, Defensive Stance, Disciplined Stance, Shove, Wary Stance
Expertise: Oath Shot
Beast Mastery: Bestial Fury/Tiger's Fury, Energizing Wind, Enraged Lunge
Marksmanship: Determined Shot, Focused Shot, Marauder's Shot
Wilderness Survival: Quickening Zephyr, Quicksand
Divine Favor: Deny Hexes, Spell Shield
Healing Prayers: Gift of Health, Restful Breeze
Protection Prayers: Mark of Protection, Rebirth
Smiting Prayers: Zealot's Fire
Fast Casting: Keystone Signet
Domination Magic: Blackout, Psychic Distraction
Inspiration Magic: Mantra of Concentration
No attribute: Arcane Echo, Echo
Energy Storage: Elemental Attunement, Master of Magic
Air Magic: Glimmering Mark
Critical Strikes: Assassin's Remedy, Sharpen Daggers
Dagger Mastery: Moebius Strike
Deadly Arts: Assassin's Promise, Deadly Paradox, Expunge Enchantments
Shadow Arts: Feigned Neutrality
No attribute: Mark of Instability, Wastrel's Collapse
Spawning Power: Weapon of Renewal
Leadership: Anthem of Flame, Anthem of Fury, Defensive Anthem
Command: Anthem of Disruption, Anthem of Envy, Anthem of Guidance, Anthem of Weariness, Crippling Anthem, Song of Concentration
Motivation: Song of Power, Song of Purification, Song of Restoration, Zealous Anthem
Mysticism: Avatar of Dwayna
Earth Prayers: Ebon Dust Aura
Wind Prayers: Attacker's Insight, Grenth's Grasp
- Deldrimor rank: Stout-Hearted
- Norn rank: Raven Blessing, Totem of Man, Ursan Blessing, Volfen Blessing
Affects or checks for skills used by foes[edit]
Strength: Shield Bash
Axe Mastery: Disrupting Chop
Tactics: Wary Stance
Expertise: Distracting Shot
Beast Mastery: Disrupting Lunge, Energizing Wind
Marksmanship: Disrupting Shot, Sloth Hunter's Shot
Wilderness Survival: Quickening Zephyr, Quicksand
Smiting Prayers: Signet of Rage
Curses: Shivers of Dread/Spinal Shivers, Spiteful Spirit
Domination Magic: Blackout, Cry of Frustration, Diversion, Psychic Distraction, Signet of Disruption, Simple Thievery, Visions of Regret, Wastrel's Worry
Inspiration Magic: Tease
Sunspear rank: Cry of Pain
Deadly Arts: Disrupting Dagger
No attribute: Wastrel's Collapse
Leadership: Burning Shield
Mysticism: Avatar of Lyssa
Earth Prayers: Shield of Force
Affects or checks certain skills on a skill bar[edit]
Defensive Stance
Symbolic Strike
Enraged Lunge (PvP)
Deny Hexes
Signet of Rage
Illusionary Weaponry
Mantra of Signets
Signet of Distraction
Blades of Steel
Expunge Enchantments
Affects or checks the number of allies, foes, effects, etc.[edit]
"I Will Avenge You!"
"I Will Survive!"
"None Shall Pass!"
"To the Limit!"
"Victory Is Mine!"
Melandru's Resilience
Blessed Signet
Contemplation of Purity
Convert Hexes
Divert Hexes
Draw Conditions
Dwayna's Kiss
Mend Ailment
Mending Touch
Release Enchantments
Restore Condition
Signet of Mystic Wrath
Withdraw Hexes
Desecrate Enchantments/Defile Enchantments
Envenom Enchantments
Foul Feast
Order of Apostasy
Rend Enchantments
Hex Eater Signet
Shatter Storm
Ether Renewal
Star Burst
Sadist's Signet
Shadow Form
Signet of Deadly Corruption
Signet of Malice
Signet of Twilight
Feast of Souls
Mend Body and Soul
Resilient Was Xiko
Signet of Creation
"Lead the Way!"
"Make Your Time!"
Cautery Signet
Leader's Comfort
Leader's Zeal
Signet of Return
Arcane Zeal
Dwayna's Touch
Eremite's Zeal
Mystic Regeneration
Mystic Vigor
Victorious Sweep
Zealous Sweep
Club of a Thousand Bears
Junundu Wail
Affects or checks for multiple attributes[edit]
Excluding inherent effects from primary attributes.
Shield Stance
Healing Burst
Healing Touch
Seed of Life
Cultist's Fervor
Elemental Lord
Glowing Gaze
Glowing Ice
Shock Arrow
Critical Agility
"There's Nothing to Fear!"
Slashing damage[edit]
See also: #Physical damage, #Attack
Causes slashing damage[edit]
Swordsmanship: Hundred Blades
Death Magic: Animate Flesh Golem, Animate Shambling Horror, Jagged Bones
- Celestial Assassin?, Celestial Horror?
Affects or checks for slashing damage[edit]
Command: Bladeturn Refrain (PvP)
See also: Category:Spells, #Enchantment, #Hex, #Skill, #Weapon spell
Affects or checks for spells cast by allies[edit]
Wilderness Survival: Equinox
Divine Favor: Boon Signet, Divine Boon, Divine Spirit, Healer's Boon, Holy Haste, Spell Shield, Unyielding Aura
Healing Prayers: Healer's Covenant, Signet of Rejuvenation, Vigorous Spirit
No attribute: Succor
Allegiance rank: Selfless Spirit
Soul Reaping: Hexer's Vigor, Masochism (PvE)
Blood Magic: Cultist's Fervor
Fast Casting: Mantra of Recovery, Persistence of Memory, Stolen Speed
Inspiration Magic: Auspicious Incantation, Channeling, Lyssa's Aura
No attribute: Arcane Echo, Signet of Illusions
Energy Storage: Aura of Restoration, Ether Renewal, Glyph of Energy, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Glyph of Restoration
Air Magic: Glyph of Swiftness
Earth Magic: Kinetic Armor
Fire Magic: Glyph of Immolation
No attribute: Glyph of Concentration, Glyph of Elemental Power, Glyph of Essence, Glyph of Renewal, Glyph of Sacrifice
Sunspear rank: Intensity
Critical Strikes: Deadly Haste
Deadly Arts: Shroud of Silence
Spawning Power: Attuned Was Songkai, Ghostly Haste, Renewing Memories, Spirit's Strength, Wielder's Remedy, Wielder's Strike, Wielder's Zeal
Communing: Weapon of Quickening
Restoration Magic: Spiritleech Aura
Leadership: Hexbreaker Aria
Command: "Help Me!"
Motivation: Aria of Restoration, Aria of Zeal
Mysticism: Arcane Zeal, Vow of Silence
- Asura rank: Mindbender
- Ebon Vanguard rank: Ebon Battle Standard of Wisdom
Affects or checks for spells cast by foes[edit]
Swordsmanship: Savage Slash
No attribute: Skull Crack
Beast Mastery: Bestial Pounce/Savage Pounce
Marksmanship: Broad Head Arrow, Concussion Shot, Savage Shot
Wilderness Survival: Choking Gas, Equinox
No attribute: Magebane Shot
Divine Favor: Spell Breaker, Spell Shield
Protection Prayers: Aegis (PvP), Protective Spirit, Spirit Bond
Blood Magic: Mark of Subversion, Soul Leech, Spoil Victor
Curses: Depravity
Fast Casting: Arcane Languor, Power Return, Psychic Instability, Stolen Speed
Domination Magic: Arcane Larceny/Arcane Thievery, Backfire, Chaos Storm, Guilt, Mistrust, Overload, Power Block, Power Flux, Power Leak, Power Lock, Power Spike, Shame, Signet of Disruption, Signet of Distraction, Wastrel's Demise
Illusion Magic: Arcane Conundrum, Confusing Images, Frustration, Migraine, Shared Burden, Sum of All Fears
Inspiration Magic: Leech Signet, Power Drain, Power Leech, Waste Not, Want Not
Earth Magic: Obsidian Flesh, Sliver Armor
Fire Magic: Liquid Flame
Water Magic: Maelstrom
Dagger Mastery: Disrupting Stab, Exhausting Assault
Deadly Arts: Shroud of Silence
Shadow Arts: Shadow Form
Mysticism: Vow of Silence
- Asura rank: Smooth Criminal
See also: #Summoned creature
Creates spirits[edit]
See Nature ritual
See Binding ritual
- Ebon Vanguard rank: Winds
Affects or checks for spirits[edit]
Expertise: Infuriating Heat
Beast Mastery: Edge of Extinction, Energizing Wind, Fertile Season, Symbiosis
Marksmanship: Favorable Winds
Wilderness Survival: Brambles, Conflagration, Frozen Soil, Quicksand, Tranquility, Winnowing
Domination Magic: Spiritual Pain
Earth Magic: Ward Against Elements, Ward Against Foes, Ward Against Melee, Ward of Stability
Water Magic: Ward Against Harm
No attribute: Spirit Walk
Spawning Power: Feast of Souls, Ghostly Haste, Reclaim Essence, Rupture Soul, Signet of Creation, Soul Twisting, Spirit Channeling, Spirit to Flesh
Channeling Magic: Clamor of Souls, Essence Strike, Gaze from Beyond, Gaze of Fury, Lamentation, Offering of Spirit, Painful Bond, Signet of Spirits, Spirit Boon Strike, Spirit Burn, Spirit Siphon
Communing: Armor of Unfeeling (PvE), Earthbind, Shelter, Signet of Ghostly Might (PvE), Union
Restoration Magic: Ghostmirror Light, Life, Mend Body and Soul, Recuperation, Spirit Light, Spirit Light Weapon, Spirit Transfer, Spiritleech Aura
No attribute: Draw Spirit
Allegiance rank: Summon Spirits
Leadership: Blazing Finale, Burning Refrain, Enduring Harmony
Command: Bladeturn Refrain
Motivation: Energizing Finale, Finale of Restoration, Mending Refrain, Purifying Finale
- Ebon Vanguard rank: Ebon Battle Standard of Courage, Ebon Battle Standard of Honor, Ebon Battle Standard of Wisdom
See also: List of stances, #Skill
Affects or checks for stances used by allies[edit]
Hammer Mastery: Renewing Smash
Swordsmanship: Barbarous Slice, Jaizhenju Strike/Pure Strike, Standing Slash
No attribute: "On Your Knees!", Grapple
Shadow Arts: Mirrored Stance
- Deldrimor rank: Dwarven Stability
Affects or checks for stances used by foes[edit]
Axe Mastery: Whirling Axe
No attribute: Wild Blow
Dagger Mastery: Wild Strike
Deadly Arts: Mark of Insecurity
Shadow Arts: Mirrored Stance
Spear Mastery: Wild Throw
Summoned creature[edit]
See also: #Animated undead, #Spirit
Summons creatures[edit]
- Asura rank: Summon Ice Imp, Summon Mursaat, Summon Naga Shaman, Summon Ruby Djinn
- Ebon Vanguard rank: Ebon Vanguard Assassin Support
Affects or checks for summoned creatures[edit]
See Summoned creature#Skills that specifically interact with summoned creatures